Fran Lebowitz

Fran Lebowitz

Рождение : 1950-10-27, Morristown, New Jersey, USA


Frances Ann Lebowitz is an American author, public speaker, and occasional actor. Lebowitz is known for her sardonic social commentary on American life as filtered through her New York City sensibilities. Some reviewers have called her a modern-day Dorothy Parker.


Fran Lebowitz


Дэвид Войнарович — один из самых известных художников и активистов, умерших в разгар кризиса СПИДа 1980-х — 1990-х годов. Его жизнь была отражением его искусства, которое никогда не могло примириться с окружающей действительностью. В основу этого документального фильма положен обширный архив Дэвида Войнаровича — он записывал голосовые сообщения, адресованные самому себе, большую часть жизни.
Нью-йоркские букинисты, книготорговцы и коллекционеры: взгляд на энтузиастов, переживающих трудные времена.
Скрипач: Чудо из чудес
«Скрипача на крыше» знают во всем мире: сюжет о немолодом молочнике, тщетно пытающемся выдать своих своенравных дочерей успешно замуж, в одночасье стал популярнейшим музыкальным произведением, а эстетика показанного там маленького местечка, где все друг друга знают, определила айдентику еврейского искусства. Впервые премьера этой постановки, названной в честь известной картины Марка Шагала, написанной по мотивам рассказов о задумчивом Тевье-молочнике великого еврейского писателя Шолом-Алейхема, прошла на Бродвее в 1964 году, и сразу стало ясно, что это хит на десятилетия: мюзикл был показан, внимание, 3242 раза и выиграл девять профессиональных премий «Тони».
Killing Patient Zero
After the Stonewall riots and at the height of the gay liberation movement in America, an entire generation were busy celebrating their newfound emancipation, unaware of an impending epidemic. A disease that seemed determined to wipe out an entire generation of gay men, was largely ignored by politicians and the mainstream media. Gaetan Dugas was a French-Canadian flight attendant, who offered to help early scientific research into the origins of AIDS. An unfortunate series of events followed and he would be vilified as Patient Zero, the man who gave us AIDS.
Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am
This artful and intimate meditation on the legendary storyteller examines her life, her works, and the powerful themes she has confronted throughout her literary career. Toni Morrison leads an assembly of her peers, critics, and colleagues on an exploration of race, history, the United States, and the human condition.
Always at The Carlyle
The iconic Carlyle hotel has been an international destination for a particular jet set as well as a favorite haunt of the most discernible New Yorkers.
The Gospel According to André
From the segregated American South to the fashion capitals of the world, operatic fashion editor André Leon Talley's life and career are on full display, in a poignant portrait that includes appearances by Anna Wintour, Marc Jacobs, Tom Ford, Bethann Hardison, Valentino, and Manolo Blahnik.
Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures
Nude men in rubber suits, close-ups of erections, objects shoved in the most intimate of places—these are photographs taken by Robert Mapplethorpe, known by many as the most controversial photographer of the twentieth century. Openly gay, Mapplethorpe took images of male sex, nudity, and fetish to extremes that resulted in his work still being labelled by some as pornography masquerading as art. But less talked about are the more serene, yet striking portraits of flowers, sculptures, and perfectly framed human forms that are equally pioneering and powerful.
Crazy About Tiffany's
A provocative and rare glimpse at the most iconic luxury jeweler in the world. From past to present, discovering the behind the scenes creation to those beholden to its charm, Tiffany & Co. is unveiled like never before.
Toni Morrison Remembers
Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison is America's first lady of literature. Her books encompass black American history but live and breathe in the present, rich in vivid characters, haunted by ghosts. Born poor in Ohio in 1931, she now lives in New York. She tells Alan Yentob how her father hated whites so much he wouldn't let them in the house. Her masterpiece, Beloved, shows the horrors of slavery perhaps better than any other artwork. She talks as she writes - with warmth and wit. Contributors include Angela Davis (whose biography she edited) and singer Jessye Norman.
Разговор о Сьюзан Зонтаг
Масштабный взгляд на жизнь культурного критика, одного из самых острых и парадоксальных мыслителей второй половины XX века. Здесь все — от ее личной жизни до смелых, великолепных текстов об искусстве и политике.
River of Fundament
Wake Guest
Visionary artist Matthew Barney returns to cinema with this 3-part epic, a radical reinvention of Norman Mailer’s novel Ancient Evenings. In collaboration with composer Jonathan Bepler, Barney combines traditional modes of narrative cinema with filmed elements of performance, sculpture, and opera, reconstructing Mailer’s hypersexual story of Egyptian gods and the seven stages of reincarnation, alongside the rise and fall of the American car industry.
Волк с Уолл-стрит
Honorary Samantha Stogel
1987 год. Джордан Белфорт становится брокером в успешном инвестиционном банке. Вскоре банк закрывается после внезапного обвала индекса Доу-Джонса. По совету жены Терезы Джордан устраивается в небольшое заведение, занимающееся мелкими акциями. Его настойчивый стиль общения с клиентами и врождённая харизма быстро даёт свои плоды. Он знакомится с соседом по дому Донни, торговцем, который сразу находит общий язык с Джорданом и решает открыть с ним собственную фирму. В качестве сотрудников они нанимают нескольких друзей Белфорта, его отца Макса и называют компанию «Стрэттон Оукмонт». В свободное от работы время Джордан прожигает жизнь: лавирует от одной вечеринки к другой, вступает в сексуальные отношения с проститутками, употребляет множество наркотических препаратов, в том числе кокаин и кваалюд. Однажды наступает момент, когда быстрым обогащением Белфорта начинает интересоваться агент ФБР...
Беседы с Фран Лебовитц
Документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Фран Лебовитц, известной не только своими работами, но и острыми выступлениями на тему общественной жизни в современных Соединенных Штатах.
Беседы с Фран Лебовитц
Документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Фран Лебовитц, известной не только своими работами, но и острыми выступлениями на тему общественной жизни в современных Соединенных Штатах.
Beautiful Darling
James Rasin's documentary “Beautiful Darling” honors American Transgender actress and best-known Warhol Superstar, Candy Darling, and her all-too-brief life and career, with a combination of current and vintage interview material, rarely seen archival photos and footage, and extracts from Darling's movies.
I, Curmudgeon
Curmudgeon. Contrarian. Misanthrope. Naysayer. For all the people interviewed in this film, someone has used one of the above words to describe them. What have they done to deserve such labels? Everywhere these men and women go, something is being celebrated; they don’t get what all the celebration is about and they’re compelled to question it.
Yesterday's Tomorrows
Showtime's "In the 20th Century" is a millennium-related strand of feature-length documentaries in which famous directors take on major subjects of their choosing. In the third of the six films, "Yesterday's Tomorrows," filmmaker Barry Levinson delves into what we, as Americans, thought the future would be as we traveled through the 20th century. Houses and cars of the future, the promise of technology, and the other hopes and dreams of the early part of the century gave way to the fears and anxieties brought about by the atomic age and the Hollywood disaster films that followed. Soon we wondered if we could control technology, or if it would control us. This film is by turns light-hearted and thoughtful, and rare historical and archival film, produced by government and industry, alternates with on-screen interviews with people as diverse as consumer advocate Ralph Nader, cartoonist Matt Groening, futurist Alvin Toffler, comedienne Phyllis Diller, and actor Martin Mull.
Would You Kindly Direct Me to Hell?: The Infamous Dorothy Parker
Portrait of writer Dorothy Parker, her Algonquin Round Table friends, her writing and her troubled life. Includes interviews, archival footage of Parker reading poetry and scenes from the 1994 film on Parker's life, "Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle," starring Jennifer Jason Leigh and Matthew Broderick.
Resident Alien
At age 73, writer and melancholy master of the bon mot, Quentin Crisp (1908-1999), became an Englishman in New York. Nossiter's camera follows Crisp about the streets of Manhattan, where Crisp seems very much at home, wearing eye shadow, appearing on a makeshift stage, making and repeating wry observations, talking to John Hurt (who played Crisp in the autobiographical TV movie, "The Naked Civil Servant"), and dining with friends. Others who know Crisp comment on him, on his life as an openly gay man with an effeminate manner, and on his place in the history of gays' social struggle. The portrait that emerges is of one wit and of suffering.
Superstar: The Life and Times of Andy Warhol
Documentary portrait of Andy Warhol.
The No Show
Chicken Picken
McGruff, Drew Barrymore, and a rag tag band of kids make a rock video about "saying no to drugs."