Felix Bock
Max Kemper
Берлин, 1933. Жизнь девятилетней Анны, обычной берлинской школьницы, полностью меняется: в погоне от нацистов её семья должна спешно покинуть родной город. Швейцария, Франция и, наконец, Англия — путешествие затянется на два с лишним года, за которые девочка познакомится с культурой других стран, выучит французский и поймет, что значит — быть беженцем. И все это время ее не будет покидать воспоминание о плюшевом розовом кролике, оставленном в берлинском доме.
En route to a party they are not keen on attending, the Famous Five are almost relieved when Aunt Fanny's car breaks down, stranding them in a small town. To pass the time, they visit the local natural history museum, where some newly-discovered dinosaur bones are being unveiled. Here they meet Marty, who tells them that his father, long dead, supposedly found a complete dinosaur skeleton and made a map of its whereabouts. Unfortunately the map has been stolen. Unable to let a good mystery go unsolved, George, Julian, Dick, Anne and Timmy, join a guided hike through the Valley of Dinosaurs. But their fact-finding mission soon turns into a race to find the dinosaur when they suspect that the thief is one of the group.
The Hartmann family is turned upside down when mother Angelika decides to take in the refugee Diallo, against her husband's will. Amidst the typical chaos of our time, hope remains that the family finds its stability, confidence and peace again - just like the whole country.