Действие фильма начинается 8 декабря 1944 года. Вторая мировая война, входит в свою последнюю фазу: Германия находится в руинах, но войска вермахта ведут ожесточенные бои на всех фронтах. Армия США готовится нанести мощный удар по противнику с Запада. Но ей не хватает знаний о важнейших немецких подразделениях, действующих на противоположной стороне Рейна. Заброска на территорию, контролируемую германской армией, агентов-иностранцев исключена. Поэтому, американская военная разведка решает отправить в германский тыл двух немецких военнопленных для сбора информации. Задание очень рискованное, так как гестапо имеет по всей стране. эффективную сеть по выявлению и захвату как диверсантов, так и немецких дезертиров. Кроме того, не ясно, насколько надежны сами немцы, отправленные в тыл к противнику.
Short by Wolfgang Becker.
Leutnant Varady
Baroness Marika von Korossy dresses up as a man, in order to compete in a horse race. Her victorious horse, Satan, will only allow her to ride him and throws everyone else off of him. That includes the dandy lieutenant Tibor von Denes, who immediately recognizes that Marika isn't a man. It isn't long before he makes friends with her and even gets her to dance with him. It's then that Marika takes off her hat and shows she's a woman, which causes jealous Ilonka von Peredy to go into a rage. When Marika is forced to sell her estate to raise money, Ilonka is able to get Marika's beloved Satan.
Otto von Naydek, Bruder Franz von Naydeks
Baron Franz von Naydek is constantly being mistaken for Prince Woronzeff, since both look identical. One day, Woronzeff decides that this similarity might come in handy. Since he is very ill and can no longer deal with the intrigues of his relatives, he begs his friend Naydek to play the role of prince for a while. Naydek agrees and everything seems to be going splendidly. Woronzeff’s ex-nag Diane sees through the game, however, but says nothing, since she’s fallen for Naydek. He, in turn, has the hots for Nadja, Woronzeff’s daughter, long thought lost and who has now reappeared. The prince’s relatives fear for their inheritance and so refuse to acknowledge Nadja’s existence. In the interim, Woronzeff dies. Now Naydek is obliged to play the role for a much longer time than he bargained for.