Michele Abruzzo

Michele Abruzzo


Michele Abruzzo


Il fidanzamento
Edmondo Guglielmi
Боже мой, как низко я пала!
Don Pacifico
Начало нынешнего столетия. В день своей свадьбы сицилийская дворянка Эужения и ее жених — богатый буржуа Раймондо узнают, что они брат и сестра. Чтобы соблюсти приличия, они решают сохранить видимость брака, но не вступать в интимную связь. Раймондо поощряет жену на занятия благотворительной деятельностью и для этих целей доверяет ей автомобиль и шофера Сильванно Пеннаккини. Юный красвец Сильванно без труда соблазняет хозяйку, пробудив в ней ответную страсть.
The Sicilian Checkmate
Taking place almost entirely during a murder trial, the film details in significant detail the deep roots sunk by organised crime into the business and political life of Sicily.
Un caso di coscienza
il barone Carmelo Favara
Discovering that a woman from their small town in Sicily cheated on her husband, a group of upper class men investigate and try to identify her.
Сделано в Италии
The Commander (segment "2 'Il Lavoro', episode 2")
Несколько смешных и грустных историй из жизни итальянцев.
Бурное море
Oreste - il fratello di Margharita
A pretty woman approaching middle age rents out rooms in a small Italian town. An aging sailor and a handsome younger man are amongst the lodgers.
Pastasciutta nel deserto
il maggiore
La trovatella di Pompei
Pasquale Rossi
Maria, is a girl raised by the loving care of a poor couple but without knowing anything about her real parents. She is in love with Giorgio, a boy from a good family, who however has also aroused the interest of the intriguing Edvige who frequents bad company including jealous Roberto.
Andalusia Express
Three men plan a jewelry heist abroad the Andalusia express train.
Ho scelto l'amore
A satire of the Cold War, Italian style. Soviet flunkey Boris Popovitc is sent on a goodwill mission to Rome, where he is to deliver a symbolic dove of peace to a group of WW II freedom fighters. Somehow, Boris winds up in Venice minus the dove. As he searches up street and down canal for the missing bird, he meets and falls in love with luscious flower-girl Maria.
I cavalieri dalle maschere nere
Sicily, 17th Century. When his fiancée is kidnapped, a young man sets out to find her.
Il trovatello
A taxi driver finds a baby in his cab after the mother accidentally leaves him behind.