Louis Kurihara

Louis Kurihara

Рождение : 1994-12-06,


Louis Kurihara


Lupin's Daughter: The Movie
Wataru Mikumo
Am I really the daughter of a thieves family? Hana Mikumo, daughter of the "L family", a family of thieves, unexpectedly falls in love with Kazuma Sakuraba, the son of a family of police officers. She spends her days dreaming of a normal life whilst hiding her true identity. Eventually her true identity is revealed to Kazuma, and after overcoming many difficulties, the two accept their fate and get married. Along with their new daughter Anzu, they manage to live happily, despite the problems that arise between their two families. Then one day, Hana's father announces his plan to retire from thievery after an incident. To make up for all the trouble he has caused Hana and Kazuma in the past, he offers them a late honeymoon trip. However, the trip actually turns out to be the last job of the "L Family", who are in search of the biggest treasure in history, and it becomes a grand adventure that reveals a family secret that even Hana does not know...
Узники страны призраков
Безрадостное постапокалиптическое будущее. Отсидев несколько лет после неудачного ограбления банка, Герой извлекается из тюрьмы с целью отыскать пропавшую внучку Губернатора — местного единоличного правителя. А чтобы тот не сбежал, на него одевается начинённый взрывчаткой костюм, который сдетонирует через пять дней. Отправляясь на опасное задание, Герой даже не подозревает, что от успеха миссии зависит не только его собственная жизнь, но и много больше.
Tonkatsu DJ Agetaro
Josuke Shirai
Agetarō, a third generation tonkatsu shop owner, one day makes a bentō delivery for the first time to a club where he experiences an uplifting feeling he's never had before. Furthermore, he is wholeheartedly set on winning the heart of Sonoko, with whom he fell in love at first sight, so he decides to be both a tonkatsu shop owner and DJ.
Signal 100
Eiji Yamamota
A group of high school students are forced into a game where they are hypnotized to commit suicide on an unknown command. Where no one is safe from a sudden death, how can they avoid their fates?
108: Revenge and Adventure of Goro Kaiba
Rui Kurihara
Screenwriter Goro Kaiba is horrified to learn via Facebook that his wife Ayako is having an affair. Furthermore, her post about the affair has received 108 likes. Absolutely furious, Goro Kaiba contemplates divorcing his wife, but he estimates he will have to pay her half of his assets, about 10,000,000 million yen, in a divorce. To get revenge, Goro Kaiba decides to use that money on a epic one month womanizing streak. His goal is 108, the number of likes his wife received on social media.
Hanalei Bay
A single mother receives a phone call saying her son had died from a shark attack in Hanalei Bay, Hawaii, where she now visits annually on her son’s death anniversary. One day, she meets two young Japanese surfers who tell her about a young Japanese surfer with one leg.
Les Garçons-Bonbons 2: l'Oiseau du paradis
Kitazawa Haku/Shiratori Dayū IV
Kitazawa Haku had watched a movie and dreamed he was in a parallel universe. Meanwhile, Ryū, the older brother of Haku's friend Takeru, is facing down boys' bar owner Rokujō. Then Ryū becomes fascinated with Kikiyō standing behind Rokujō. On the day of the yearly festival, Haku suddenly disappears. Takeru disappears while in search of Haku. Ryū disappears while following Kikiyō. And then Rokujō also disappears.
Nirvana Island: The Last 47 Days
Vampire Miyabi
The movie depicts the confrontation between younger brother Akira Miyamoto (Shunya Shiraishi) and older brother Atsushi Miyamoto (Ryohei Suzuki) on Higanjima.
Haganai: I Don't Have Many Friends
Second year high school student Kodaka Hasegawa has transferred to his new school about a month ago, but he still hasn't made any friends. Kodaka Hasegawa was born from a Japanese father and a British mother. Because of his appearance, people think Kodaka Hasegawa is a troubled kid. One day, Kodaka Hasegawa sees classmate Yozora Mikazuki pleasantly talking to herself. Kodaka Hasegawa talks with her about how to make friends. To make friends, Yozora Mikazuki decides to form the Neighbor's Club and forces Kodaka to enroll in the club.
Темный дворецкий
Фильм переносит нас в недалекое будущее, а точнее в 2020 год. Влиятельный человек Сиори Генбо возглавляет одну из самых могущественных корпораций в мире. Сиори является потомком одной семьи из Англии с благородными корнями. Его дочке однажды понадобился свой личный дворецкий. Аристократ призывает демонического дворецкого, так как делали это его предки... Но дочка его опережает, она вызывает демона, заплатив за это свою душу, и не знает, что темный дворецкий — это тотальный кошмар, который начнет преследовать и убивать всех, кто станет у них на пути, даже если это будет ее отец и его многочисленная армия помощников и боевиков. Сможет ли девушка остановить демона... ?
Дело ведёт юный детектив Киндаичи: Дело об убийстве в закрытой школе
Kirizawa Tohru
Киндаити присоединяется к своей подружке детства Нанасе Миюки в Спарте, престижной "тюремной" школе (частной школе закрытого типа, находящейся в Малайзии, известной своими строгими порядками). В этом спрятанном от всего мира уголке происходит странное убийство, которое и раскроет наш гениальный детектив.Сюжет основан на популярной манге, которая началась в 1992 году как сериал в "Weekly Shonen Magazine" (Kodansha). Манга несколько раз была экранизирована и продолжает собирать огромное количество поклонников даже после того, как отметила свое 20-летие.
Eve in Love
Set within the Tokyo DisneySea theme park, the love lives of various people are told. Gakkun has been preparing for his accounting license exam. Nao Nanami works in the gift wrapping section of a department store.
Daily Lives of High School Boys
The story of a school festival that is being jointly organized by Tadakuni, Yoshitake, and Hidenori's all-boys school and an adjacent all-girls school. At an all boys high school, Tadakuni (Masaki Suda), Yoshitake (Shuhei Nomura) and Hidenori (Ryo Yoshizawa) are close friends and think usually all day about girls. Their high school then co-hosts a school festival with an all girls high school.
Screaming Class
Akira Goto
Kana is an ordinary high school student. One day, her photo is selected for a magazine and, because of this, Kana receives attention from popular student attention Rio. The attention though is not the kind Kana wanted. Kana is bullied by Rio and her friends. A rumor exists that a ghost exists in the old school building. The ghost is able to grant someone's wish, but that person will lose something important to them. The ghost is a former student named Yomi, who died in an accident 12 years ago. Kana decides to go see the ghost. The next day, Kana is a member of Rio's group, but Kana's friend Erika is now bullied. More tragedy awaits …