Dippen Zinzuvadia


Trick of the Witch
Trick of the Witch is about a group of fashion models fighting a witchcraft curse while stranded at a secluded mansion.
Trick of the Witch
Associate Producer
Trick of the Witch is about a group of fashion models fighting a witchcraft curse while stranded at a secluded mansion.
Treasure of the Black Jaguar
Двое трудных подростков попадают в тюрьму. Там они знакомятся со знаменитым охотником за сокровищами, который предлагает им план побега. Путешествие должно закончиться в пустыне, где спрятан клад…
Kara Grace Boedun moves to DC to go to grad school where she meets and falls for a lobbyist named David Zeke. Kara is a Russian spy and David is her target. As she starts falling for David, she soon realizes all is not what it seems. With FBI Agents hot on her trail, Kara desperately searches for a way out and finds out more than she wanted to know.