Roger La Page


You Did What?
When his brother proposes to a girl after knowing her less than 24 hours, marriage phobic Charlie Porter finds himself stuck between a two-carat rock and a hard place with his long-term girlfriend.
Lying in Wait
Line Producer
Young bachelor Babee is looking after his dead mother's estate when married couple Keith and Vera move in. Babee becomes attracted to them by the beautiful Vera and the risk taking Keith. However at a party Vera crashes her car, putting Keith into a coma. When Keith comes out he is in a semi-vegetative state and must rely on Vera to look after him. Keith can't move or speak but reveals to Babee that he can still talk and starts to kill those that wronged him with Babee's help.
Lying in Wait
Mr. Horn
Young bachelor Babee is looking after his dead mother's estate when married couple Keith and Vera move in. Babee becomes attracted to them by the beautiful Vera and the risk taking Keith. However at a party Vera crashes her car, putting Keith into a coma. When Keith comes out he is in a semi-vegetative state and must rely on Vera to look after him. Keith can't move or speak but reveals to Babee that he can still talk and starts to kill those that wronged him with Babee's help.
2099 год. Земля, стонущая от глобальных природных катастроф и кошмарных эпидемий, вплотную приблизилась к своей гибели. Причиной этого чудовищного кризиса стал комплекс «Прометей», построенный 100 лет назад, чтобы пробурить скважину до ядра планеты ради добычи дешевого топлива. Стремясь исправить роковую ошибку человечества, люди из будущего отправляются в 1998 год на мощнейшей и неуязвимой субмарине «Наутилус».
Земля – воздух
Line Producer
Ближний Восток. Два друга — выпускники летной Военной Академии — из последних сил продираются сквозь линию противника, но враг окружает их, и они попадают в плен. Их задача — выжить.
The Good Bad Guy
Italian immigrant Joe is hired by mobster Vince to kill a witness before he can testify against him. Joe dresses up as a policeman to be able to get close to his victim, but he's mistaken for a real cop by everyone and will reluctantly have to enforce the law to avoid blowing his cover.
Узнав, что его брат в Лос-Анджелесе серьезно ранен, Лайон Голтье дезертирует из французского иностранного легиона, базирующегося в отдаленном районе Северной Африки. Скрываясь от двух боевиков-легионеров, которым дан приказ вернуть его любой ценой, Лайон против своего желания становится участником незаконных боев современных гладиаторов, дерущихся голыми руками для развлечения богатых. Ему нужны деньги, чтобы помочь семье своего брата.
Big Man on Campus
Associate Producer
In this version of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", a hunchback is found living in the bell tower of UCLA. He is put on trial and made to go through tests. One of the research doctors falls for him, and he falls for her in the end
Deadly Force
Production Manager
Stoney Cooper, a former Los Angeles police officer, is at a low point in his life. Kicked off the force because of his anti-authority attitude, he now ekes out a living as a freelancer in New York. All this changes when the daughter of an old friend is killed by serial killer terrorizing L.A. Although almost nobody in his old home town is happy to see him back, Cooper pledges to bring the killer to justice before any more innocent people die.
Deadly Force
Line Producer
Stoney Cooper, a former Los Angeles police officer, is at a low point in his life. Kicked off the force because of his anti-authority attitude, he now ekes out a living as a freelancer in New York. All this changes when the daughter of an old friend is killed by serial killer terrorizing L.A. Although almost nobody in his old home town is happy to see him back, Cooper pledges to bring the killer to justice before any more innocent people die.
Associate Producer
Легкая комедия о старшекласснике, увлекающемся научными опытами. Он случайно наделил себя телекинетическими способностями, когда его стукнуло по голове после взрыва в лаборатории. Новые возможности круто меняют его жизнь…
Rodeo Girl
Sammy Garrett, the wife of a champion rodeo performer, is tired of her subsidiary role at home as a housewife. So she becomes an aspiring rodeo rider herself, encouraged by her one-time performer mother, and eventually confronts her new lifestyle, despite her husband's disapproval. Based on the true story of rodeo champion Sue Pirtle.