Мать-одиночка Сильвия узнает о смертельном диагнозе. После тщетных попыток найти дальних родственников, которые смогли бы позаботиться о ее маленькой дочери, Сильвия решается на отчаянный поступок.
On April 11th of 2002 a coup d'état against the venezuelan president Hugo Chávez Frías kept the country in a state of total uncertainty regarding his whereabouts, two days later he returned to power. This is a chronicle of those days.
1878. After the Federal War, Captain Gaspar Mendoza leads a life of austerity and efforts with his family in an old house in the interior of Venezuela, although Gaspar has done everything possible to leave that tragedy behind, it will be his daughter Maria Eugenia who seems to revive her through terrible nightmares that mercilessly haunt her.