Osamu Onodera

Osamu Onodera

Рождение : , Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan


Sound technician. Born 1949. After graduating from high school, he joined Nikkatsu's recording department in 1970. Active as a freelancer since 1995.


Osamu Onodera


Месть у холма гранатового дерева
В 1860 году, у ворот Сакурада в Эдо, убивают премьер-министра Ии Наоске. Позор и ответственность за это принимает на себя Симура Кинго, обещавший князю защитить его своей жизнью. Он ищет последнего выжившего убийцу, чтобы положить его голову на могилу своего господина. Но времена меняются, происходит Реставрация Мэйдзи, путь меча не в чести теперь и объявлен вне закона. Что это означает для Симуры Кинго?
Adapted from the successful play, the film takes place in 19th-century Japan, where a war between demons and their slayers is fought. Izumo, a kabuki actor with a demon-slaying past, meets and falls in love with Tsubaki. However, something is not right, as mysterious marks appear on her body as time progresses. At the same time, it is announced that Ashura, the queen of all demons, will be resurrected and bring destruction to the universe.
Женщина из супермаркета
Sound Recordist
После открытия крупного магазина прямо рядом с супермаркетом, которым управляет Горо, единственный шанс обойти конкурента — помощь его бывшей одноклассницы Ханако. Весьма энергичная женщина, она живо поднимает ему настроение и продажи!
A Quiet Life
Sound Designer
Melodrama about the life of a mentally handicapped young man and his devoted sister after their famous novelist father and housewife mother go to Australia on a business trip.
Последний танец
Sound Designer
Актер и кинорежиссер Бухей, «мужчина в самом расцвете сил», живет в свое удовольствие, чему весьма способствует специфика работы. Он снимает фильм об известном дирижёре, который борется с раком, и снимается в главной роли. В роли жены — симпатичная актриса, с которой у него бурный роман. Но однажды, перестаравшись с виагрой и виски, он попадает на обследование в больницу, где выясняется неутешительный диагноз — рак желудка. Врачи и родные тщательно скрывают это. Сообщив, что имеет место язва, его начинают лечить. Некоторое время герой пребывает в блаженном неведении о серьезности болезни, но постепенно начинает подозревать обо всем ужасе своего положения…
Специалистка по минбо
Sound Designer
Термин «минбо» используют японские правоохранительные органы для обозначения тактики шантажа и угроз, к которой прибегают якудза для выколачивания денег из своих потенциальных жертв. Японские бандиты, в отличие от своих итальянских и иных коллег, редко прибегают к физическому насилию, если речь не идет о членах преступных кланов. Старый, престижный отель претендует на проведение международного саммита. Но возникает проблема - в отель повадились ходить якудза, им он тоже очень нравится. Руководство отеля назначает двух сотрудников ответственными за безопасность отеля. Мало приспособленные к борьбе с нахальными гангстерами, новые работники терпят поражение за поражением, пока им на помощь не приходит женщина-адвокат, специалист по «минбо» (ее играет жена режиссера Нобуко Миямото). С помощью юмора, находчивости и твердости она помогает отелю отразить натиск якудза.
Милый дом
Группа телевизионщиков делает документальный фильм о печально известном художнике Итиро Мамии. Когда они начинают съемки в его старом доме, то подвергаются нападениям призрака жены художника.
Сборщица налогов 2
Sound Recordist
Суровая работница налоговой инспекции снова выходит на тропу войны. На этот раз она бросает вызов коррумпированному религиозному ордену.
Hawaiian Dream
Sound Recordist
Tatsuhiko and Shofumi are hoodlums living in downtown Hawaii, who have flown out of Japan and entered the country illegally for a reason. The two make a living by trafficking marijuana under the pretext of selling tea leaves, but they are in a foreign land where they don't speak the language well.
Сборщица налогов
Sound Recordist
Бордель можно назвать публичным домом, а можно — Отелем Любви. Но и в том, и в другом случае его хозяин должен платить налоги. Иначе однажды появится сборщица налогов.
Female Market: Imprisonment
Sound Recordist
Several women are kidnapped and treated to degradation and violence by their captors.
Office Love: Behind Closed Doors
Sound Recordist
Reiko is a high class call girl employed by a large corporation. She’ll do anything necessary to help her employer land new business, including kinky sex and humiliation, to please her high class clientele. Secretly bedding rival company executives on her own time, Reiko’s world turns upside down when a former lover comes back to her for affection. The problem is he’s married! With yet another shy employee vying for her attention, Reiko gets caught in a triple tryst that could change her future forever.
Shufu to Sei-seikatsu
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Baajin nante kowakunai
Someday, Someone Will Be Killed
Sound Recordist
While trying to search for her missing father, Atsuko Moriya (Noriko Watanabe) meets a group of outcasts that help her. Having only an encrypted disk in her possession and while being chased by unknown people, Atsuko tries to solve the mystery of her family origins...
Main Theme
Sound Recordist
A kindergarten teacher meets a novice magician and together they travel to another city to find love.
Легенда о русалке
Sound Recordist
Маленькую рыбацкую деревушку хотят снести под строительство, а когда один человек отказывается продать землю, его убивают. Его жена, ловец жемчуга, на которую пытаются повесить убийство собственного мужа, решает сурово покарать обидчиков.
The Red Shoes: Tokyo Rape Incident
Sound Recordist
Roman Porno from 1983. The daughter of divorced parents lives with her mother in Tokyo. On the weekends, she takes the train to her hometown of Koga, in Ibaraki Prefecture, to visit her father and old friends. Inspired by the unresolved Shinjuku Kabukicho Disco Nampa Murder Case that occurred in early June, 1982.
Люби жёстко, люби глубоко
Sound Recordist
После смерти родителей молодая девушка унаследовала парикмахерскую. Чтобы продолжать оплачивать учебу, она нанимает на работу еще несколько молоденьких нимфеток и заставляет их носить очень сексуальную униформу, чтобы привлечь больше мужчин. Салон становится очень популярным, ну и куда же без любовных приключений..
Burning Princess
Sound Recordist
An eros drama depicting a couple or lover indulging in swapping in search of pleasure. Yoshii, a fledgling reporter for swapping magazines, visits Mr. and Mrs. Sakura. Yoshii experiences the technique of Sakura's wife, Akane.
Oh! Takarazuka
Music Coordinator
Pinku comedy directed by Koyu Ohara and based on the manga by Sho Fumimura. Takarazuka is a gym teacher who wants to work in a girls high school in the worst way, and of course for the worst reasons. He's a lech, and when he finally lands his dream job, he's looking forward to being surrounded by beautiful and occasionally naked girls.
Pink Curtain 2
The second film in the series that depicts the relationship between a brother and sister who live in the same room and are frustrated not to cross the line.
Anne's Lullaby
Original Music Composer
A sex-comedy starring rock star Michiko Komori.
Zeccho shimai ochiru
Original Music Composer
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Uno Koichiro no joi mo nureruno
Nikkatsu Roman Porno from 1982
Seiko no futomomo: Cheergirl
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Pink Curtain
Sound Recordist
Okuyama is a stocker at the supermarket who has no luck with women. His life is thrown upside down when his sister Noriko unexpectedly moves into his house. Okuyama is overcome with lustful thoughts for her, but she regards him simply as a brother.
Demon's Room
Sound Recordist
Yoshiko Sejima gets a call from a man claiming to be from her husband's company. He tells her that he will come to pick her up on behalf of her husband. It turns out that he's a kidnapper and takes Yoshiko to a hotel, and proceeds to rape her. This man Fuji Nakatogawa calls Yoshiko's husband but doesn't request a ransom. He's just bent on humiliating Yoshiko to submission to be his sex slave.
Sêrâ-fuku kanbetsusho
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Candidate For Seduction
Sound Recordist
Yoshiko Ariake, a mainstream Toei actress lured to Nikkatsu, plays career lady Hineko who works for an interior design company. She's a confident woman, dedicated to business politics, but has never been willing to give herself to romance. In fact, it's easy for this fashionably bitter woman to be unfaithful in a relationship. Sparks fly when she meets a handsome rival (Yoshimitsu Onimaru).
Horny Working Girl: From 5 to 9
Sound Recordist
A woman named Chieko Kuwano is hired as an assistant manager at a large corporate office in Japan. She’s smart, sexy, and willing to do almost anything for her sex-starved new boss but, since he’s married, his deviant behavior makes her uncomfortable. Fed up with the boss and his perverted ways, the ladies in the building band together to enact their own special kind of revenge… that is, after they have a lesbian three-way slumber party, of course!
Angel Guts: Red Porno
Nami is a department store worker who agrees to stand in for a friend in a magazine photo-shoot, which turns out to be for an S&M magazine. When the photos are published, she is sacked and her lover abandons her.
Rolling on the Road
George is a washed-up middle-aged rocker, who divorces his wife and lives with his girlfriend, a soap massage parlor worker.
Female Teacher's Awakening
Sound Recordist
One of Nikkatsu's signature female teachers' films.
Crazed Fruit
A working class young man, Tetsuo, who distrusts all rich people, falls in love with a girl, Chika, from an affluent family. He has a difficult time, but love survives despite the problems.
Joshidaisei: The anaba
Sound Recordist
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Tanshin funin jōji no himitsu
Sound Recordist
An office lady follows his boss, whose work affairs had been discovered inside the company and he has been ordered to be transferred to another workplace.
Female Teacher: Dirty Afternoon
Sound Recordist
A teacher, Sakiko Kurata, receives a phone call regarding one of her former students. Young Sueko is accused of being a prostitute and has requested Sakiko’s help. This minx seduces random strangers for sex, but does not ask for payment. Sakiko has moved to another town and barely remembers Sueko, but there’s something about her that awakens painful memories of her own secretive past. What is that strange paint thinner smell on Sueko? Who is the man in the nylon ski mask that violently assaulted Sakiko many years ago? In her search for answers, Sakiko discovers that her past may have inadvertently destroyed another family’s future.
Uno Kôichirô no uwaki nikki
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Ganso dai yojôhan ô monogatari
Sound Recordist
Based on the comic book by Leiji Matsumoto.
Zoom In: Rape Apartments
Sound Recordist
A housewife is brutally assaulted in an unfinished construction zone of her apartment complex by a masked man. She somehow survives but other women are soon discovered, murdered then set on fire. Meanwhile she reignites an affair with a former lover but slowly begins to suspect he might be connected to the killings.
Rape Ceremony
Sound Recordist
In a rural town, ex-members of a motorcycle gang become sporadic victims of a vigilante attack. A group of high school boys are responsible for the various assaults because they're upset that the motorcycle gang had disbanded. Seemingly, these kids idolized the rebel gang and harbored dreams of joining them after graduation. Female student Miku (Megumi Saki) happens to see one of the vengeance assaults, and is threat-ened by the high school thugs. After getting raped, she soon develops a compassion for the wild boys.
Red Violation
Sound Recordist
The film follows the rock band "Devils" on stage and off, including the various amorous adventures of the members.