Richard Jamison


Nora's Christmas Gift
Art Direction
Nora spends her time feeling sorry for herself as she faces hearing problems and blindness. But at the Bennington Christmas Pageant, Nora receives a special gift - a sure knowledge that Jesus Christ lives and loves her.
Who's in Charge
Ronn Lucas special filmed in Canada to a live audience starring Lucas' puppets including Buffalo Billy, Chuck the punk rocker, etc. He also shows the audience how to make puppets out of socks and random objects. Ronn Lucas It was a one hour comedy special for the Disney Channel called "Who's in Charge Here?" for which he was nominated for an Ace award that aired in the mid-late 80s. It has an interesting cover of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" and Madonna's "Dress You Up". There is also an odd scene of a board room meeting with a stuffy T.V. executive and Buffalo Billy sitting lifeless at the conference table.
Destination: America
A patrician family's estranged, black-sheep son forsakes his blue-collar life to return home and soon finds himself wrongly accused of his father's murder, with his old childhood friend determined to convict him. Pilot to a prospective TV series.
The Rape of Richard Beck
The tables turn for cynical police officer Richard Beck when he's viciously attacked by two homicidal crooks. Having never been empathetic toward the victims he's dealt with on a daily basis, Beck must now confront the tough system he was a part of. As he struggles to regain his status at work, he also must make sure those responsible for his attack are prosecuted.
I Married a Centerfold
Ernie Kreeger
Tenacious young engineer flips over the centerfold model he spots on television and embarks on a romantic adventure on a bet with his buddies.
Шагающий по ветру
Set Decoration
Покойный вождь племени возвращается к жизни, чтобы спасти свой народ от своего же сына, воспитанного в другом племени и ставшего заклятым врагом для бывших соплеменников.
Через край
История о разгуле подросткового вандализма разворачивается в 70-х в американском городке Нью-Гранада. В поисках адреналина подростки забросили учебу, курят траву, принимают наркотики, тусуются на домашних вечеринках, палят из ружья по полицейским машинам и рвутся за рамки закона и приличий под девизом «sех, drugs & rock`n`roll».
Как ни крути – проиграешь
Фило Беддо — обычный парень: любит сидеть за рулём своего пикапчика и выпить пивка. Правда, в отличие от других парней, он — лучший кулачный боец на всём Западе, за плечами которого солидное многообразие рукопашных разборок в барах по ту сторону Скалистых Гор. Лучший друг и напарник Беддо — громадный, девяностокилограммовый орангутанг по имени Клайд, который тоже при случае может врезать, как следует! Бедолагу Фило угораздило влюбиться в капризную певичку, из-за которой он, собственно, и пускается «во все тяжкие». Особенных препятствий на пути отчаянного героя к светлому чувству нет, если не считать зверскую банду байкеров, двух подлых полицейских и легендарного драчуна Мёрдока по кличке «Танк»!
One on One
High School Coach
Henry Steele is a basketball phenom at his small town high school, but when he matriculates to a big city university on a scholarship, soon realizes that he has few skills outside the sport. Expected by his coach to contribute significantly to the team, Henry is overwhelmed by the demands on his time, the "big business" aspect of college sports, and the fact that he never fully learned to read. Things look bleak for Henry when Janet Hays, a pretty graduate student, is assigned as Henry's tutor. Her intellect and strength lift Henry out of his doldrums just in time to battle the coach, who attempts to rescind Henry's scholarship.
Ben Cochran
A skier and his wife visit a friend's ski resort during a man beast's rampage, and must hide from the impending danger.
The Disappearance of Aimee
In 1926, celebrated evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson mysteriously disappeared. She turned up several weeks later and recounted the details of her kidnapping and escape to authorities. Not everyone believed her, however, and she was accused of having gone away to have an affair with a married man. A court hearing took place to reveal the truth.
Герцогиня и Драный Лис
1882 год. Аманда — искательница приключений и танцовщица. Чарли — карточный шулер. Оба они любят деньги, особенно добытые нечестным путем. Влюбившись в него, она понимает, что есть вещи и попрекраснее денег. Теперь остается только ему пересмотреть свое отношение к жизни. Вместе они оказываются втянуты в аферу с кражей 40 тысяч долларов…