Daniel Kamen

Daniel Kamen


Daniel Kamen


На Западном фронте без перемен
Army Doctor
Когда 17-летний Пауль приезжает воевать на Западный фронт в Первую мировую войну, его изначальный энтузиазм пропадает от столкновения с суровой реальностью жизни в окопах.
Фрики: Ты один из нас
Венди - простая повариха из рабочего класса. Однажды она обнаруживает в себе суперспособности, которые подавлялись из-за применения лекарств, а также узнаёт, что в мире есть другие обладатели похожей силы. Более того, новоиспечённым супергероям теперь предстоит распутать глобальный заговор.
Kryger bleibt Krüger
Frantisek Cerny
Prinz Himmelblau und Fee Lupine
The Queen wants her son, Prince Skyblue, to marry a Princess from a good family who is beautiful, rich and easy to handle... and definitely has no magic powers.
The story is set some time in the past, or maybe some time in the future. Given a time-frame, we would say somewhere between the American moonwalk, and Coca- Cola's serious ambition to turn the moon into an advertising logo. Our central character, the young lift operator, is formed by experience into cynicism, detachment, and apathy. The story builds to its crescendo: of public outrage and state crackdown; the banality of commercial interest and the monumental rape of nature. Set in a large newspaper office, the Lift is a place of relative safety. But floor by floor, with each passenger in his or her tableau, the atmosphere of mayhem seeps in. Finally our young character leaves the situation, far-gone in hopelessness and disinterest.
Lars Wagner
Armee der Stille - La Isla Bonita
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere: after a wild party, seven people take part in a high-risk game. A well-known media mogul becomes their host, but then turns into a cynic. In the end, the seven people realize that the game only took part in their heads...