John Truax


The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond
Driver (uncredited)
Jack Diamond and his sickly brother arrive in prohibition New York as jewelry thieves. After a spell in jail, the coldly ambitious Diamond hits on the idea of stealing from thieves himself and sets about getting close to gangster boss Arnold Rothstein to move in on his booze, girls, gambling, and drugs operations.
Curse of the Undead
A mysterious epidemic has struck an Old West frontier town and young girls are falling deathly ill. Doc Carter, his lovely daughter Dolores, and preacher Dan Young have their hands full caring for the infirm. When one of the patients dies unexpectedly, Dan notices two puncture wounds on her neck. His investigation leads him to the strange gunslinger Drake Robey, who always seems to be slower on the draw than his opponents, but who—despite being outdrawn, and even shot—always manages to survive these deadly encounters. Dan soon discovers that Drake also has an aversion to crucifixes, sleeps in coffins, and cannot tolerate sunlight...
Колокол, книга и свеча
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Джиллиан Хоррой - обычная современная ведьма. Красивая, обворожительная и... одинокая. Единственный спутник жизни - любимый сиамский котик. Но однажды порог здания, в котором живёт чародейка, переступает симпатичный сотрудник одного печатного издания, Шеп Хендерсон.
The Female Animal
Observer at Lighting Accident (uncredited)
Jaded movie star Vanessa Windsor, saved from a studio accident by handsome extra Chris Farley, pursues him, and soon he's the 'caretaker' of her beach house. Vanessa's sexy, alcoholic adult daughter Penny accidentally meets Chris, who rescues her from an 'octopus' boyfriend. Before you know it, Chris is involved with both mother and daughter, and his only way out is to take a job in a Mexican picture about man-eating orchids...
The Fuzzy Pink Nightgown
Publicity Agent
When a movie star is kidnapped, everyone thinks it's a publicity stunt. It's not.
Дурная кровь
Sergeant (uncredited)
Кристин Пенмарк всегда считала, что её дочь Рода — идеальная девочка: скромная, вежливая и заботливая. Но когда на одном из школьных конкурсов Рода заняла второе место, а победителя вскоре нашли мёртвым, Кристин начала замечать, что характер дочери резко изменился.