Ramón Sánchez


La tórtola del Ajusco
Nazarín is the priest who leaves his order and decides to go on a pilgrimage. As he goes along subsisting on alms, he shelters a prostitute wanted by the police for murder. He is released from suspicion and she eventually catches up with him when she escapes imprisonment. Another woman joins the duo and soon the ex-priest is learning more about the human heart and suffering than when he wore robes.
The Vivanco Ladies
Two women of lesser descent are dedicated to stealing to support their brother's daughter.
Любовное свидание
Peasant (uncredited)
Фильм о женщине, которая сражается со своей богатой и авторитетной семьей за право выйти замуж за любимого человека.
Zonga, el ángel diabólico
Hombre pelea por Zonga
Visiting Medical Researcher gets involved with a cult Priestess somewhere deep in the jungle.
Вокруг Света за 80 дней
Extra (uncredited)
Обогнуть земной шар всего за 80 дней? Смешно! Даже лучшие паровые корабли Ее Величества Виктории не смогут сделать это. Но точный и пунктуальный Филеас Фогг заявил, что сможет. А когда члены лондонского престижного Реформ-Клуба попросят Фогга подкрепить его похвальбу солидной денежной ставкой, мы отправимся в путешествие Вокруг света в 80 дней!
The White Orchid
In the Southern Mexican jungle, an adventurous archaeologist is accompanied by an equally daring female photographer in a search for a lost Toltec city. They engage a guide to lead them on their expedition, and soon find themselves in the jungle's depths, far from civilization. Soon both the guide and the archaeologist are vying for the affection of the photographer. They must all deal with enormous danger and sacrifice before their quest is complete.
Padre nuestro
Cargador (uncredited)
Pops is dismissed from his banking job for embezzlement, and his family have to adjust to a more modest lifestyle.
The Sword of Granada
In this period costume swashbuckler, Don Pedro de Rivera, the rightful owner of a Spanish castle seeks to reclaim it from an occupying Moorish Caliph. Don Pedro’s accomplice is Juan Ponce de León, who intends to steal the "Rose of Granada," a rare gem owned by the Caliph, which supposedly contains a rare essence that ensures eternal youth.
Oh, Love… How Have You Put Me!
Baker (uncredited)
A low-class baker accidentally gets to know an attractive but bitter fiancée. By getting her snobby, dead-pan family to spend some time with his scumbag friends, he changes their lives, while at the time stealing the girl's heart.
The Man Without a Face
Hampón en cabaret
A faceless killer who hunts women can only be stopped by a detective with a disturbing past.
The King of the Neighborhood
Drunk at Cabaret (uncredited)
A poor man becomes a modern Robin Hood, robbing the rich to give to the poor.
The Three Garcia
Hombre golpeado (uncredited)
Ruled by a tough grandma, the Garcías are three charro cousins who fall in love with young American-born Lupita and fight for her love until grandma quiets them.