Kayvan Jahanshahi


Dead Heat Under the Shrubs
A youth (Abolfazl Ghorbani) runs for his life after he sees a woman (Leila Boushehri) dispose of a dead body.
A trio of misfits - a hoodlum, a master of disguise, and a thief join forces to perform one of the biggest and most daring heists of their lives. The place? One of the most important hotels...
Low Heights
Sound Mixer
A person wants to hijack an airplane to go out of Iran and cure his sick son.
A Mother's Love
In this Iranian film, social worker Mina (Fateme Motamed-Aria) tells the reformatory head they should offer genuine emotional feedback to their charges, but she withdraws when the reality of such idealistic proposals becomes evident. Young Medhi (Hussein Soleimani) is troubled after the death of his mother. He views Mina as the mother he needs, but Mina is wary. Shown at the 1998 Fajr Film Festival.
Original Music Composer
Лейла и Реза — молодая семейная пара. Через несколько месяцев после свадьбы они узнают, что Лейла не может иметь детей. Мать Резы настаивает на том, что «каждый должен иметь детей» и уговаривает молодожёнов взять в дом вторую жену. Лейла пытается всем угодить и убеждает мужа согласиться, в душе надеясь, что он откажется. Реза хочет всем угодить и соглашается, в душе надеясь, что Лейла откажется от этой идеи. Столкновение веяний современности с традиционным укладом, положение женщины в подобным образом устроенном обществе и общечеловеческие страсти — вот предмет внимания в фильме.
Original Music Composer
Перед нами Пари, она учится в университете и переживает сложный период в своей жизни, ввиду мистического опыта, почерпнутого из некой религиозной книги «Путь».
The Sweet Smell of Llife
Kamal and Jamal are a pair of twin brothers who look quite similar but possess two different types of morale and mentality. One night, Jamal who is a hospital assistant, finds an old man's senseless body on a street. He takes the old man to the hospital and saves him from death. The old man's brother, along with his lawyer who is a shyster man, are looking to seize the old man's wealth such as his old house. The obstinate old man decides to sell his house at a low price to Jamal in order to appreciate his help. The old man's brother, his lawyer, Kamal and his wife are trying to prevent this happening or at least to get a share of the house. They even defraud each other to achieve their goal.