Rainer Steffen


Не прикасайся
Together, a filmmaker and her characters venture into a personal research project about intimacy. On the fluid border between reality and fiction, Touch Me Not follows the emotional journeys of Laura, Tómas and Christian, offering a deeply empathic insight into their lives. Craving for intimacy yet also deeply afraid of it, they work to overcome old patterns, defense mechanisms and taboos, to cut the cord and finally be free. Touch Me Not looks at how we can find intimacy in the most unexpected ways, at how to love another without losing ourselves.
The Lenz Papers
Four-part german limited serial about the baden revolution in 1848 and 1849.
Ванзейская конференция
Roland Freisler
История о встрече 20 января 1942 года пятнадцати главарей фашистского Рейха в пригороде Берлина, где они приняли окончательное решение по еврейской проблеме.
Ein Bett mit Passagieren
Short film by Dagmar Knöpfel. Based on a story by Italo Calvino.