Lajos Ujváry


Kádár vs. Kerekes
Zálogházi becsüs
The Crucial Moment
Tõrös Ferenc inasa
Весенний ливень
Café Guest
В фильме рассказана история девушки-крестьянки, родившей внебрачного ребёнка и из-за своего позора вынужденной бежать из деревни в город. Там её, не имеющую средств к существованию, берут в публичный дом, и девицы из этого заведения обращаются с ней более гуманно, чем зажиточные крестьяне из её родного села.
The Half of a Boy
In English known informally as "The Half of a Boy" and "Stepmother". Based on the novel by Kálmán Mikszáth. After his wife's death Gáthy Lörinc (in Serbian version: Mr. Wickfield) remarries and in secret he takes his son born from this second marriage to the same foster parents who take care his first son born from his first marriage and left without mother. Five years later, when both boys return home, his wife does not know which is her own child, and which is the child of the previous wife, so the husband's desire is fulfilled, his orphaned son doesn't have step-mother, because his wife loves both boys equally, as her sweet children.
Commander of Six Corps