Claudio Riveros


Mateo, a competitive young swimmer, sees his position in the swimming club team threatened by a new member. This will lead him to an internal conflict where he will do something that he thought he was incapable of.
About Things That Happened to Me
Based on the book by author Marcelo Matthey, this short film narrates his own life in a style reminiscent of school compositions. His constant strolls through streets, houses and beaches are recorded in notes of what he saw, felt or thought during these wanderings or moments, but almost only recalling the processes, the timeline in which things occur and come to mind, the trail of associations coming one after the other, like the steps of a person walking along a street. Immediate impressions, fleeting moments normally lost in time and which are captured in the images and sounds of this film.
На четверых друзей отправившихся в чилийскую глубинку жестоко нападают отец и сын. Не найдя помощи в городке, друзья решают при поддержке пары копов самостоятельно дать отпор чокнутой парочке, в итоге выясняя что нападающие на них - не просто маньяки, но в их жилах течёт наследие темнейшего периода чилийской истории.
Juan Bautista Rosales
Молодой французский адвокат Орели-Антуан де Тунан много лет мечтает о том, чтобы сбежать на другой конец света и стать королем Амазонии. В 1860 году он отправляется навстречу судьбе, находит индейцев-мапуче, которые признают его верховным правителем Патагонии и Араукании. Теперь осталось убедить весь остальной мир в том, что твой титул — это не шутка и не обман.
Nest of Trauma
Carlos Vásquez Sepúlveda
Alejandro has to face the suicide of his brother and returns to his hometown, Valparaiso, there discovers an illegal network in which his brother participated, this revives obscure passages in his childhood.
First Born
While Thomas spends his last weekend in Chile with his family, before traveling abroad for the first time, a flaw in the sewage system produces a flood of smelly water. The problem shows the essence of family relationships.
El inquisidor
During 1648, a dreaded commissioner of the Holy Inquisition arrives at Santiago. Social, political and religious life is shaken when six respected and married women are accused of committing the sin of fornication.
Isidora immerses itself, in the manner of a journey through time and space, in the life of Chilean playwright Isidora Aguirre (1919-2011) and in the main ones of her 30 plays, which are recreated on screen by outstanding actors. Mixing family archives, life diaries and interviews she gave at the age of 91, the film becomes the creative biography of the author of La Pergola de las Flores, her most famous work, and opens the door to the social and political issues she narrated in her theater, the utopias that could not be and the conflicts that are still ongoing in Latin America.
La viajera
A love story centered around the hectic days of Carlos Ibañez del Campo's dictatorship.
Violeta Went to Heaven
A portrait of famed Chilean singer and folklorist Violeta Parra filled with her musical work, her memories, her loves and her hopes.
The emotional life story of a Peruvian immigrant in Chile is the subject of this nuanced character study of a man uprooted from home by economic necessity and suffering loneliness and dislocation. Higher wages can’t fill the void created by separation from everything that is important to him.