Two college aged filmmakers Kendrick, and Sammy drop out of school to make a feature film. They push the limits to achieve their dreams, and may have gone to far now. Director
Kyle Reardon
Kyle Reardon
Christopher Michael CagleBen ChristmanCourtney C. Clark
"Frat Star" explores the alluring, superficial, manipulative, and dark world of Ivy League fraternity culture. An insecure, poor, and broken-hearted Nick enters freshman year with no interest in fraternities. This all changes when his old money roommate Billy convinces him to pledge.
Mrs. Rhinebeck's Sister
Джеймс отправляется покорять Голливуд в важную для киноиндустрии эпоху 1930-х годов. В надежде найти работу молодой авантюрист находит свою любовь, которая быстро втягивает неопытного юношу в бурную светскую жизнь.