Stephen McCallum


Вне закона
Фильм рассказывает историю о наследнике лидера одной из банд преступников-байкеров, который вынужден предать главаря, чтобы спасти жизнь своего брата.
Second Unit Director
Главная героиня разрабатывает биологический препарат, способный создавать виртуальную реальность в мозгу человека. За несколько дней до начала продаж, её парень случайно умирает от неправильного использования препарата и чтобы избежать срока за убийство, героиня соглашается на тестирование секретной разработки - программы виртуальной тюрьмы.
Sam is an apprentice chef trapped in a hellish kitchen with no escape. The pressure is relentless - the orders pile up, his boss screams and the customers are hungry for more than just food. He can't do this - he can't... This is what happens when your work literally bleeds you dry.
In Colonial Australia, three Irish convicts decide to commit murder in order to avoid the lash but when their plan to kill a guard goes horribly wrong, their only hope is to draw straws to take control of their fate.
In Colonial Australia, three Irish convicts decide to commit murder in order to avoid the lash but when their plan to kill a guard goes horribly wrong, their only hope is to draw straws to take control of their fate.
From Flores
The story of a small boat of the shores of British Columbia during a storm and the people who are linked to its ultimate fate.
Based on a short story by James Reil, this sensitive animation film evokes the flavour of days gone by and pays tender tribute to those who farmed the Prairies in the 1920s. With a few deft strokes, the film portrays the hardships these people had to endure in their struggle for survival. The film's focus is on the life of one family whose autumn harvesting days are coloured by the death of a neighbour during childbirth.