Fanny Schauendorf
This story of the miller Florian, who gave all his money to the war against Napoleon, is loosely based on a true story. After the war, Florian's reimbursement is challenged, and he must also pay taxes on his destroyed mill. He resists the tax collectors and takes off to Vienna, where he intends to defend his rights. On the way, he rescues the Duchess of Guastalla from assault. She also wants to go to Vienna, as His Majesty Franz II is trying to contest an heir in her favor. With cunning, luck, and dagger, Florian fights his way through a slew of nobility and their secret police.
Сын богатого дельца Михаэля Витте соблазнил молодую девушку Анну Ковальски, горничную в их доме. У Анны будет ребенок. Это не устраивает Михаэля, так как он мечтает женить сына на дочери богатого французского коммерсанта, а если история с Анной раскроется, планы выгодной женитьбы сына рухнут. Михаэль решает избавиться от Анны.