Rotem Dror


The Boy
Sound Designer
Avinoam and Barak, father and son from a Kibbutz bordering the Gaza strip, are forced to deal with another round of rockets and combat, each in their own way. One night, Barak reaches a boiling point and Avinoam is forced to absorb the heat.
Fantastic Here
The film portrays the renowned illustrator David Polonsky, during his work on a new children’s book. Along with his masterpieces: “Waltz with Bashir” (Winner of the Golden Globe) “The Congress” (Winner of the European Film Awards) and “Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation” (Which was published all over the world) the film also depicts Polonsky’s own intimate world as a child who immigrated to Israel from Kiev and as an artist who’s art explores identity and roots.
Sound Mixer
The Muranow neighborhood in Warsaw was once a flourishing and important center of Jewish life. During World War II the neighborhood was turned into the Warsaw Ghetto. When the war ended, the neighborhood was rebuilt with the rubble of its own destruction. Today, thousands of Poles live in the green and spacious Muranow, yet its' dark past keeps haunting it. Polish residents claim that Jewish ghosts live in the neighborhood. At night they shake off the dust and ashes that cover them, and wander the streets they once lived in. Other residents think the ghosts are a metaphor for the life, culture, and memories of the Jewish people buried beneath the ground.
Sound Designer
The Muranow neighborhood in Warsaw was once a flourishing and important center of Jewish life. During World War II the neighborhood was turned into the Warsaw Ghetto. When the war ended, the neighborhood was rebuilt with the rubble of its own destruction. Today, thousands of Poles live in the green and spacious Muranow, yet its' dark past keeps haunting it. Polish residents claim that Jewish ghosts live in the neighborhood. At night they shake off the dust and ashes that cover them, and wander the streets they once lived in. Other residents think the ghosts are a metaphor for the life, culture, and memories of the Jewish people buried beneath the ground.
Sound Designer
13-year-old Maya is taking care of 10-year-old Guy, who is diagnosed with Asperger’s.
The Viewing Booth
Sound Designer
Provocative in its cinematic simplicity, THE VIEWING BOOTH recounts an encounter between a filmmaker and a viewer, exploring the way meaning is attributed to non-fiction images in today's day and age.
Sound Designer
At the heart of the Central Train Station in Tel Aviv stands a grand piano. It watches over the traffic moving to and from the docks, seemingly hearing and seeing everything from its own point of view. For some, the piano is a regular stop on their commute. Others, occasional travelers, encounter it in this unexpected space, inviting them, subject to their will. There, in the most bustling place is a piano that makes people take off their earphones and take part in something magical that requires no words. The piano is unplugged, the people unplug. How many of those who sit and play manage to transcend the external noise, reflecting in a different and challenging way the reality we live in, allowing us to look into ourselves?
Незамужние женщины
Sound Designer
Китайское общество нетерпимо относится к одиноким женщинам, оставляя молодым китаянкам лишь одну альтернативу законному браку: жизнь с позорным клеймом "незамужняя". Фильм расскажет о борьбе трех одиноких девушек, которые выбирают жить по своим правилам.
The film follows three renowned vocal coaches and their students during private lessons. As the pupils prepare for their upcoming final evaluations, perfect technique is expected to produce impeccable results. Listening primarily to their voices, we feel intensity and intimacy arise between teachers and students – an atmosphere in which transcendence is being built.
Балет под трибунами
Sound Editor
В 1991 году Надя Тимофеева переехала в Иерусалим со своей матерью Ниной, прима-балериной и хореографом Большого театра. Не имея других средств к существованию, они открыли балетную школу, расположенную под трибунами иерусалимского футбольного стадиона «Тедди». Шумные фанаты Beitar Jerusalem оказываются соседями утонченных танцовщиков. Сюрреалистическая встреча спорта и искусства.
An Ordinary Life
Sound Designer
Fadhumo and Helen are two refugees, one living in Tel Aviv and the other in Berlin who are asking for asylum. While they both try to cope with a life full of discrimination and alienation away from home, they become determined social activists to help women who live hard lives like themselves. The documentary shot by Efrat Shalom Danon and Gili Danon provides a realistic point of view to the unstable lives controlled by the government policies, to Israeli and German immigration policies, and, despite all this, to the lives of people who dream while standing on their kindness.
Искусство под прикрытием
Sound Editor
История из тех, про которые говорят, что в них просто невозможно поверить: Шломо Коэн‑Абраванель, агент израильской разведки "Моссад", работавший под прикрытием в Египте, смог убедить всех в том, что он на самом деле французский художник-абстракционист по имени Шардюваль, и даже начать продавать собственные картины, на которых изображены наивно-примитивно сцены из жизни загадочного Востока. О нём был снят постдокументальный (тот, который находится за пределами разделения игровой/документальный) фильм, вокруг которого режиссер Тамир Цадок, также снявшийся в "Искусстве под прикрытием", выстроил в 2018 году в Тель-Авивском музее изобразительных искусств целую выставку. Тамир едет в Каир, где пытается разыскать картины Шардюваля, проданные каирскому музею современного искусства, при этом же пытается не выдать себя.
Sound Editor
С того дня, как родился Идан, его мать Айрис пообещала ему, что к тому времени, когда ему исполнится 13 лет, он впервые встретится со своим африканским отцом Тони Токломати.
Операция свадьба
Sound Mixer
Ленинград, 1970. Группа еврейских диссидентов планирует угнать пустой самолёт и покинуть СССР. Задержанные КГБ в нескольких шагах до посадки в самолёт, члены этой группы были приговорены к длительным срокам строгого и особо строгого режима заключения в лагерях. Двое из них были приговорены к смертной казни. 45 лет спустя режиссёр Анат Залмансон-Кузнецов в своём фильме «Операция свадьба» передает захватывающую историю своих родителей, лидеров этой группы, признанных на западе героями, но по сей день считающимися террористами в России.
A Night with No Dawn
Sound Designer
Five asylum seekers from Darfur walk towards the Holot Detention Facility, near the Israel-Egypt border, only to discover they are late and need to wait until morning to be imprisoned. While darkness surrounds them, the landscape of the desert mirrors their spiritual journey in search for answers.
The Unknown Soldier
Sound Designer
Это интимный допрос ветерана Великой Отечественной войны Дяди Нуси. Портрет человека из плоти и крови, истинную натуру которого заслоняет китель, увешанный наградами.
Long Distance
One long walk, two distant lovers, two homes falling apart, and one forgotten birthday.
Sound Designer
Itamar and Thomas share a bed, walls, an apartment and electricity bills. Thomas commands, manages, and criticizes; Itamar is silent and listens. Between the apartment walls, frustration and loneliness unfold.
Martha Must Fly
Sound Mixer
Martha is a foreign worker employed as a caretaker of sick old woman who refuses to die. Martha's only moments of freedom come when she delves into her imaginary world.
In the Prime of Her Life
Sound Editor
This modern adaptation of S.Y. Agnon’s story takes place in a small city at the edge of the desert. In this barren landscape, Tirza, a young woman who lives alone with her father, becomes entranced by Akaviah Mazal, a lecturer at the college where she is studying. As she gets lost in the secrets of their entwined past, enchantment turns to obsession and Tirza does everything in her power to get Mazal’s attention and win his heart. Despite the warnings and fears of those closest to her, Tirza pursues her dangerous quest for love. Will she succeed in righting the injustices of the past and break the tragic cycle of fate, or will she simply perpetuate it?
The Traitor
Sound Designer
Tomer and Shmulik are a couple. One evening, during a causal supper, one of them announces he wants to break up. Pain takes over their intimacy and the night takes an unexpected turn.
Wedding Night
A journey into the wedding night, where an ultra-Orthodox Jewish couple gets to know each other for the first time.
Sound Editor
Ella, a 28 year old ultra-orthodox woman works as a private investigator. Despite family pressure, she refuses to marry and bear children. During the course of an investigation, she meets Amir, a young man who dreams of suing his father for abandonment. Drawn to Amir’s story, Ella investigates and is surprised to discover the hidden reality of tens of thousands of fathers who deny their children child support, while the system turns a blind eye to the situation.