Kelson Henderson

Kelson Henderson

Рождение : 1975-12-06, New Zealand


Kelson Henderson (born 1975) is a New Zealand actor.


Kelson Henderson
Kelson Henderson
Kelson Henderson


In a Flash
Daniel Charman
This drama tells the true story of the six Elim College students and their teacher who tragically lost their lives in a flash flood, a traumatic experience for the college and New Zealand.
Henk Haazen
How the tragic death of one man triggered a David and Goliath battle between two Allies that echoed around the world and became the catalyst to end nuclear testing in the Pacific.
Consent: The Louise Nicholas Story
Phil Kitchin
Based on the best-selling book 'My Story' this feature length drama goes beyond the headlines to tell an intimate story about secrets and one woman's struggle to have them heard. In 1993 Louise Nicholas made her first shocking accusations about being raped by policemen. Some believed her, many didn't. CONSENT tells the story of the senior policeman who went to great lengths to help her fight her case, the journalist who exposed the truth, and the family at the center of the storm.
Adjutant to MacArthur
Фильм рассказывает о днях, последовавших за капитуляцией Японии во Второй мировой войне, когда правителем Страны Восходящего солнца де-факто являлся генерал Даглас МакАртур. Одному из экспертов-японистов, генералу Боннеру Феллерсу, поручено найти ответ на непростой вопрос: следует ли признать японского императора Хирохито военным преступником и повесить?
Mark Glentworth
On the 7th of May 2009, Senior Constables Len Snee, Grant Diver and Bruce Miller arrived at 41 Chaucer Rd in Napier to serve a search warrant on Jan Molenaar for the growing of cannabis. This was just a routine warrant, something they had done countless times. What was meant to be an ordinary procedure turned into three of New Zealand’s darkest days and ended with one police officer dead, two officers critically injured and a member of the public fighting for his life. In some fifty hours Jan Molenaar made a permanent and devastating imprint upon the national psyche of New Zealand as he changed the lives of individuals, families, a police community, and a city. The siege was one of the worst and unexpected cases of violence both Napier and New Zealand had witnessed and it was all the more shocking because of its ordinary suburban backdrop.
Peter Rowley
The personal story of New Zealand's most beloved entertainer Billy T James. Reveals the man behind the chuckle.
Spies and Lies
Captain Steven
A true story. 1942. New Zealand is at war. Times are desperate. The Japanese invasion seems imminent. At this perilous moment, confidence trickster Syd Ross completes his sentence and is released from Waikeria Prison. He makes a phone call and finds himself in front of Prime Minister Fraser. Syd tells a tale of sabotage and assassination, of a Nazi plot to take over New Zealand.
Dragon Gunship Pilot
Джейк Салли — бывший морской пехотинец, прикованный к инвалидному креслу. Несмотря на немощное тело, Джейк в душе по-прежнему остаётся воином. Он получает задание совершить путешествие в несколько световых лет к базе землян на планете Пандора, где корпорации добывают редкий минерал, имеющий огромное значение для выхода Земли из энергетического кризиса.
Three kids get lost in the Louisiana bayou in search of a ghost pirate and his lost treasure, but what they discover is true friendship and the adventure of a lifetime.
30 дней ночи
Каждый год на 30 дней маленький город Бэрроу на Аляске погружается во тьму. Арктическая ночь — вещь вполне нормальная для этих мест. Но вот однажды, шериф городка Олсон начинает подозревать, что на этот раз тридцатидневный сумрак не пройдет так гладко. Вампиры подготавливают кровавый рейд на Бэрроу…
Power Rangers Mystic Force: Dark Wish
The Power Rangers heroic crusade is put to the test when a wicked army drains all color and hope from Earth.
Sione's Wedding
Security Guard
Meet best friends Michael, Albert, Stanley and Sefa; the ladies' man, the good boy, the weird one and the party boy. They're staring down the barrel of their thirtieth birthdays, but still act as if they're sixteen; they get drunk, they chase the wrong women and they have a remarkable record of misbehaving and causing chaos at every wedding they attend. But now Michael's younger brother Sione is getting married, and everything is about to change. Sione is their boy, the kid they used to look after, who grew up while they were still partying. And to ensure his big day isn't spoiled by his boys and their idiot antics, Sione has issued an ultimatum; the guys all have to bring dates to the wedding. And not just any dates; real girlfriends, someone they've made a commitment to. They have one month. So just how hard can it be to get a date for your best boy's wedding?
Первый рейд
Вскоре после выхода в море круизного судна с тремя сотнями пассажиров на борту его захватывает группа террористов, угрожающих взорвать корабль, если владелец лайнера не выплатит 15 миллионов долларов. Поскольку судно находится далеко от берега, а все линии связи перешли под контроль террористов, двум сотрудникам службы безопасности, Кайлу и Линн, придется положиться только на собственные силы. Но пока они сражаются с преступниками, переговоры о выкупе принимают непредвиденный оборот. Владелец лайнера готов заплатить террористам дополнительные 5 миллионов за то, чтобы они пустили корабль ко дну. Полученная страховка в 100 миллионов долларов должна покрыть все убытки, а значит, если стороны придут к согласию, все пассажиры неминуемо обречены попасть в разряд "допустимых потерь"…
The Irrefutable Truth About Demons
In the place between what you know, and what you fear, demons rule. All hope is stripped away as demonic forces overcome you. Dr. Harry Ballard has just unearthed the essence of evil. He’s a marked man, a living sacrifice, thrown to the depths of the demon world. At his side is a beautiful young woman – an ex-cult member who’s experienced their immeasurable power.
Thinking About Sleep
Robert jumped. Or maybe he slipped. For his friends the truth is difficult to contemplate. A film about love.
A Hollywood stuntman leaves the movie business and heads to New Zealand after a tragic accident on a film set results in a co-worker's death.