Dorothea Mommsen

Рождение : 1926-01-03, Berlin, Germany

Смерть : 2017-01-01


Farewell, Joseph
Film director Andreas Kleinert belongs to the last generation of filmmakers that emerged in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR). Born in 1962, Kleinert's attitudes were shaped by the late 1970s, and particularly by the 1980s—a period of increasing disillusionment. He wrote his thesis on “Levels of Consciousness in the Film Poetry of Andrei Tarkovsky,” the late Soviet film director who made a name for himself in the pre-perestroika years with bleak films. As Kleinert completed his film academy studies with his graduation film, Leb' wohl, Joseph ( Farewell, Joseph, 1989), the Berlin Wall fell, heralding the collapse of the GDR. Kleinert won the main prize for his diploma feature film, Leb' wohl, Joseph, at the Munich International Festival for Film Schools. The next year, this remarkable black-and-white Kafkaesque film of cryptic symbols and enigmatic metaphors was invited to compete at Locarno.
Grüne Hochzeit
Susanne (17) and Robert (18) want to get married, but because Susanne is still under-aged, she needs parental permission. With twin babies and tight finances, the newlyweds soon feel overwhelmed, and dealing with everything makes them forget the love that originally brought them together.
Olle Henry
1945. Peace still bears the traces of war everywhere. There meet the animated girl Xenia and the former boxer Henry. Being together gives them a sense of opportunity. She wants to break away from the semi-world milieu, he try a comeback in the boxing ring.
The Fat Tilla
Two girls experience dislike at first sight because of their differences. Then they sort things out.
Solo für Martina
Героиня фильма - Хелла Линдау, деятельница антифашистского движения, получает поручение передать большую суммы денег одному из товарищей. Деньги доставляет Герман Раймерс - курьер организации, с которым Хеллу связывают глубокие чувства. Предчувствуя предстоящую опасность, Герман и Хелла признаются друг другу в любви и дают обет верности до конца жизни. Уже на следующий день Хеллу арестовывают. Во время следствия она не предала своих товарищей. Приговор суда - 10 лет тюрьмы строгого режима...