Sui Ishida


Токийский гуль 2
Comic Book
Студент Кэн Канэки жутко переживает из-за своей нынешней сущности - наполовину гуль, наполовину человек. Чтобы не пересекаться с другими гулями, он почти всё время проводит в кафе «Антик» с Токой Кирисимой, но однажды гуль по кличке Гурман заходит к ним на огонёк.
Токийский гуль
Comic Book
На студента Кэна Канэки напал гуль. Парню удалось спастись, когда на монстра упала металлическая конструкция и убила его. Обоих доставляют в больницу и Кэну пересаживают органы гуля.
Tokyo Ghoul: Pinto
Comic Book
The OVA adapts the third story in the Tokyo Ghoul: Hibi novel when Shuu Tsukiyama and Chie Hori met.
Tokyo Ghoul: Jack
Comic Book
Who needs school, who needs baseball, and who needs friends? That's the attitude of high school delinquent, Taishi Fura, who became a loner after falling out with his peers. One day, he witnesses the brutal attack of a ghoul, which left one of his former friends in the hospital and the other dead. Determined to avenge them, Fura decides to pursue the man-eating monster. His efforts allow him to cross paths with Kishou Arima, a quiet student who also attends his high school. Arima, however, is no ordinary student. Despite his young age, he is a full-fledged investigator of the CCG, a government task force that strives to deal with the ghoul threat. Together, Fura and Arima hunt down the ghoul, known as Lantern, but it soon becomes apparent the monster may be closer than anyone suspects. In this side story, Tokyo Ghoul: "Jack" offers a glimpse into the past of Kishou Arima, well before he ever became the CCG's feared God of Death.