На шее у Гао – большая семья и безответственный друг-шалопай по прозвищу Тупоголовый. Парню надоело такое существование. Он мечтает купить ресторан в Шанхае и жениться на своей девушке. Для того чтобы добыть денег, он задумывает аферу. Все идет как по маслу до тех пор, пока темпераментный Тупоголовый не вступает в конфликт с теми, с кем лучше было не ссориться.
Li Nanfeng
An actress preparing to play in a historical epic is terrorized by someone faxing her pages from her stolen diary; has colorful flashbacks of her affair with a now-deceased man; and imagines black-and-white film-within-a-film scenes of the movie she is about to appear in.
A crime drama directed by Cheung Chi-Chiu.
Gao Hung-Fur
Taiwanese horror film.
Bruce Lung is a bounty hunter who gets the assignment of bringing in the Zombie Gang.
Two people, who were taught by the same Kung Fu teacher, meet again after 10 years. Toe has become a policeman and has to investigate which ruthless gang has been terrorizing the railway. Tjeu has become a gang leader. After a while Toe finds out Tjeu is the man behind the robberies. This can only lead to one thing: a tough duel.
Li Qi Long
Desperately requesting help and money for his ailing mother, little Erhfutzu receives help from Miss Yun and her company that then moves on. Finding his mother murdered soon thereafter, we cut to Erhfutzu as an adult (Steve Chan), now a swordsman known as Scabbed Tiger and out to revenge the death of his mother. Seeking someone with a particular piece of jade, he finds the one and promptly executes his plan. Bumping into the servant and daughter (Yeung Mung-Wa) of Miss Yun later on, she is grieving the death of her father and as it turns out, it's the victim of Erhfutzu's. Realizing his mistake, he tries to set things as right as possible by going after the right man for his sake and for the sake of Miss Yun's daughter. All while keeping the truth of his actions inside...
Magistrate's man
Школяр Ку Шен Чай живет в заброшенном форте вместе с матерью — он талантлив и умен, но совершенно лишен амбиций, а оттого беден, как церковная мышь. Однажды в соседний дом въезжает красивая девушка, мисс Янг, которой Ку тут же заинтересовывается, но ведет она себя нелюдимо и в высшей степени странно. В чем же дело — может быть, в этой глуши она скрывается от кого-то? Или вообще родом не из нашего мира?