Darline Bucchare


Morning, Noon & Night
Morning, Noon & Night explores a day-in-the-life of six people battling different addictions.Thecharactersfeelalltoo familiar asthey could be your neighbor, your family or even yourself. Thefilmfunctionsas a mirror asit examines some students,a history teacher, a lawyer, and a topexecutiveasthey struggle to make it through a single day.
Гран Торино
Church Member (uncredited)
Вышедший на пенсию автомеханик Уолт Ковальски проводит дни, починяя что-то по дому, попивая пиво и раз в месяц заходя к парикмахеру. И хотя последним желанием его недавно почившей жены было совершение им исповеди, Уолту — ожесточившемуся ветерану Корейской войны, всегда держащему свою винтовку наготове, — признаваться в общем-то не в чем. Да и нет того, кому он доверял бы в той полной мере, в какой доверяет своей собаке Дейзи.
Bliss Burger
Mrs. Westcott
For Ajit's wife, his voyage to the United States is to complete his PhD in Engineering. For Ajit, it's an opportunity to temporarily escape the clutches of an arraigned marriage. After he cuts himself off from his cultural roots he finds himself isolated in a new world and remedies his guilt of running away through the solace of a company called Bliss Burger. This is a story about an immigrant's assimilation into America's national religion of Consumerism and the search for God's warm embrace through cheeseburgers.