André Fèvre


Gare au Fenwick
Sound Designer
Alan, a withdrawn and solitary young man, usually finds solace in his inner world. Today is the big day: he’s leaving the family home to enter working life.
Foley Artist
Since the death of Jesus, Mary Magdalene has withdrawn from the world. Her hair has turned white, she eats berries, drinks water from the rain and sleeps among the trees. Alone in the heart of the forest, she remembers her lost love. She looks for a way to find him.
Spectres are Haunting Europe
The Idomeni refugee camp housed people from the Middle East who were trying to cross the border into Europe. When the Greek police closed the camp, the refugees resisted and blocked a railway line used to deliver goods. Maria Kourkouta’s minimalist documentary not only observes these events but also presents carefully modeled static images that open up the space within and without the frame of view, and in the closing black-and-white sequence offers a poetic commentary. The result is a bleak portrait of a place where endless lines of refugees try to preserve the final remnants of their individual freedoms. “This film is a call to welcome the refugees that cross the European borders, as well as the ghosts that return with them.”
On a distant planet, two scientists analyzing the field for its magnetic properties are facing an extraordinary phenomenon linked to the lunar eclipse.
Sound Editor
Behind the locked doors of his apartment, a man faces troubling phenomena, straddling the thin line between fantasy and psychosis. His apartment seems to mutate uncannily as it is incrementally invaded by strange drawings. Painfully, he retches up a creature as black as the ink on the pages… A new union is coming. The creature starts to explore her new surroundings, a place she will eventually make her own.
Inka Bola
Sound Effects
An irresponsible guard and a golden Maya child are about to share a dangerous journey.
Le ruban
Sound Effects
China, in the early sixties: an angry mob is persecuting a rich landowner. Mei, a young worker, who is part of the crowd. Suddenly she recognizes the victim who she secretly loves. Frightened of revealing her feelings, Mei doesn't know what to do.
Boom Operator
Когда подающий надежды молодой 18-летний актер Себастиан покидает маленький французский городок и переезжает в Париж, он обретает там нового себя, даже меняет имя на «Зак» — по имени героя одного из американских сериалов, который ему нравится. Каждую ночь он занимается тем, что ходит в наиболее фешенебельные столичные гей-бары, рассчитывая найти там свою любовь. Но несмотря на множество партнеров, он не может ни в одном найти полностью сексуальный и эмоциональный идеал для себя. Однажды его старый друг Ромэн звонит и говорит, что приезжает в Париж, в нем вспыхивают чувства, и ему предстоят принять важные для себя решения о своей жизни и о том, как ему жить открыто и честно, или нет…