Robert Müller has wanted to be a comedian since he was a kid, but he's only made it as a car salesman so far. This is about to change when he takes part in an open-mic show. He puts the program together with his imaginary friend, the stone-age Caveman. Then his girlfriend Claudia breaks up with him...
Eva is struggling to live happily with her autistic son Felix. The two are inseparable, but Felix's frequent outbursts of anger, the constant problems at school and his fear of strangers are almost impossible for Eva to cope with. One day when Felix accidentally seriously injured Eva, suddenly nothing is the same as it used to be.
Crisis? Nonsense, Daniel @danielnator3000 sees the Qurarantine as a chance for maximum productivity and efficiency: morning routine with learning Japanese, reading self-optimization books while doing pushups, always on, always on, whoever falls asleep freezes to death. But what if at some point the crisis is no longer around you, but in your head?
Adrian Semoti lives in the constant laps of his daily life since the separation of theatre actress Florina. One day Florina announces herself by sending back what he once gave her as a present. Neither new acquaintance nor family squabbling can distract him. The attempt to circumnavigate the final end of the relation, the separating couples bond inflames for the last time.
No more need to subject yourself to poor or foreign people in public: myBorder’s joyFence, your personal border wall, finally offers protection – mobile and easy to handle for daily use. The product the world was waiting for!
Молодая девушка Кира сталкивается со странной болезнью: ее кожа быстро стареет и начинает осыпаться. От этой заразы находится лечение — Кира может заменить собственную кожу чужой, но ей приходится выбирать: погибнуть самой или выжить, погубив кого-то другого.
Вена, женщина таксистка — свидетельница убийства в соседней квартире. Но она также замечена убийцей, и её жизнь переворачивается вверх дном. Полиция не поможет ей, но один детектив даёт ей приют...
A German girl travels to Israel to help people with disabilities, where she learns a lot about the role of her grandparents in WWII and meets a man who wants to move to Berlin.