Louise Portal

Louise Portal

Рождение : 1950-05-12, Chicoutimi, Québec, Canada


Louise Portal
Louise Portal


Исповедь киллера
Jacinthe Gallant
Галлант был активным киллером с 1969 по 2006 год и признался в совершении 28 убийств и 12 покушений на убийство в его активные годы для «Рок-машины» — соперников «Ангелов ада» — и монреальской Вестсайдской банды во время смертельных байкерских войн Квебека с 1978 по 2003 годы. Это было жестокое и кровопролитное время.
F*ckin' Coffin!
Mrs Desmarais
May 20, 1980. After his father's passing, Raymond Tremblay, tax investigator, begins to suspect the funeral home of fraudulent activities. Accompanied by his daughter, little Lucy, he decides to go investigate in his native Saguenay against the backdrop of a referendum on Quebec's sovereignty.
The Cold
Unable to accept the death of her husband, a woman keeps him secretly in their apartment. Helped by the cold, she tries to keep the corpse preserved for as long as possible.
Как создать идеальную семью
Monique Dubois
Пара из Квебека сталкивается с ловушками, давлением и завышенными ожиданиями, связанными с воспитанием детей в обществе, одержимом успехом и имиджем в социальных сетях. © HDRezka
The Mother Eagle
Mère Jouve
Птицы падали дождем
В глухом лесу, отрезанные от всего мира живут пожилые затворники. В сезон лесных пожаров умирает их старый товарищ по имени Бойчук, что навсегда меняет привычный жизненный уклад. Как и еще одно обстоятельство: явление восьмидесятилетней старушки, которую незаслуженно продержали всю жизнь в лечебницах. Затем их убежище обнаруживает фотограф, которой поручено сделать репортаж о стихийном бедствии. Две старушки найдут рисунки покойного Бойчука, в которых он ведёт повествование о своём трагическом прошлом, связанном с лесными пожарами.
Roseline like in the movies
Roseline is a renowned actress with an impressive career. After a lifetime on camera, she gets ready to play her greatest role yet. Fiction and reality blur together, surfacing a deeply buried secret—then: lights, camera, action
Everything outside
When circumstances conspire to leave Louise, an established Quebec painter, and Ahmed, an aspiring Lebanese-Canadian actor, sharing a remote lake house, the tension rarely abates. Understandably, Louise resents her solitude being trespassed on, particularly by someone whose backstory is hardly airtight.
Потаскухи или естественно-порочное наслаждение кожи
Профессор-дерматолог решает в одиночку провести научный эксперимент, чтобы обнаружить связь между чувствительностью клеток кожи, любовью и сексуальностью. Однако в процессе внезапно раскрываются тайные стороны её натуры, что приводит к разрушительным последствиям как для её личной жизни, так и для профессиональной карьеры.
Nous sommes le Freak show
A bingo game. An allegorical, wild and humorous portrait. An hommage to eccentricity and entertainment, to those things that remain unchanged.
L'odeur après la pluie
Claire, a recently retired widow, shares her suburban house with her sister Gisele. On a scorching summer day, Julien an old flame, shows up unexpectedly with the intention of winning Claire back. Proof that life never ceases to amaze us.
Is having control of our life a right? Are living and dying freedoms, duties or responsibilities? How should we love? How should we live? How should we die? These questions are woven into the story of Adrien, who suffers from kidney failure. He runs a garage in Trois-Pistoles, a small town on the St-Lawrence in Québec, where people seem ordinary, but aren't: each love story, each life, each destiny is unique.
Paul à Québec
Paul à Québec is quite simply about life, at its happiest and at its most challenging. Paul and his in-laws offer us a window onto the everyday life of the Beaulieu family, but we also witness the decline of his father-in-law, Roland. Paul à Québec is a hymn to life that reminds us, among other things, of the beauty of those small moments when, in spite of the farewells, life shows us how important it is to savour every instant.
The Wolves
A woman travels from the big city to the countryside. The locals are suspicious.
Le Chevreuil
Le Bonheur Des Autres
Twenty years before the events in the film's story, Jean-Pierre left his wife, Louise. At that moment, Marion and Sylvie, Jean-Pierre's two children, were respectively 10 and 8 years old. Eventually, Jean-Pierre will come back to his family and he believes that his past mistakes were forgotten.
Lance et compte
Mireille Bellavance
After an hockey game in Lac St-Jean, the National climbs into their bus and begins the long ride from Roberval to Quebec City. On one of the sharp curves around Mount Apica, catastrophe strikes. The bus slams into the mountain and half the players dies. Now the team faces its greatest challenge: rebuilding.
A Happy Man
Angel at Sea
Louis is a twelve year old boy who lives with his parents and older brother in southern Morocco. Louis is very happy until the day his father shares a secret with him.
From My Window, Without a Home
After abandoning her four-year-old daughter in Lebanon to pursue a better life in Quebec, Sana cuts every link to her Lebanese ties and never looks back. That is until her daughter, now 21, shows up in Montreal for a visit. This film explores what it means to be free for a woman.
Heading South
A story of three female tourists who visit Haiti, in order to enjoy the sexual nature of the young men.
The Five of Us
In Montreal, the teenagers Manon, Anne, Isa, Claudie and Sophie are friends since their childhood. While spending a couple of days in the cottage of Sophie's parents nearby a lake, the girls decide to give a party, and Manon and Sophie hitch for a ride to the town in a jeep to buy some beers and supplies and they invite the driver to the party. On the return, the same driver stops the car and later Sophie is found stabbed, raped and covered of blood. Fifteen years later, Manon sees the guy in a car-wash and she invites her former friends to return to the house nearby the lake, where wounds of their traumatic loss are disclosed.
Нашествие варваров
Старые друзья встречаются у постели тяжело больного Реми, которому сегодня уже за пятьдесят. Его сын Себастьян прилетает в Монреаль из Англии, чтобы поддержать отца и помочь своей матери. Себастьян хочет облегчить страдания отца и совершает невозможное. Ему удаётся вновь собрать старых приятелей Реми, весёлую кампанию, с которой отец Себастьяна был неразлучен всю жизнь. И вот все они приходят навестить Реми: его друзья, родственники и бывшие любовницы…
Dangerous People
Johanne Labelle
It has kidnapped Roxane Labelle, a Canadian singer covered gold records and awards. To his captors, no question of release without payment of a large ransom. Father and manager of the star, Paul Labelle asks a small accountant do it. Easier said than done, especially the payer also has a large sum to the Mafia and, rapidly, what Québec account scoundrels, thieves and killers are chasing the fabulous bonanza.
Séraphin: Heart of Stone
Delphine Lacoste
The story takes place during the colonization of the Laurentian region in Quebec towards the end of the 19th century (approx. 1885-90), near Sainte-Adèle. An unscrupulous man, Séraphin Poudrier, dominates the small community using his wealth. Mayor of the village, he will marry Donalda Laloge, after her father, unable to repay his debt, gives her to him in marriage. Donalda, a gentle and submissive woman who was promised to the handsome Alexis Labranche, rather, he will live his life according to the wishes of this petty and contemptuous miser, but will never let his situation get him down.
Alice's Odyssey
After reading a bedtime story to her daughter, Alice Tremblay leaves her daughter's room and enters her own fairytale. After battling a sexy big, bad wolf and saving Red Riding Hood, she encounters Prince Ludwig who helps Alice return to her world in exchange for her teaching him how to kiss so that he can pass his final exam to become Prince Charming. Along they way they meet every familiar fairytale character, though in a decidely different form or personality.
The Orphan Muses
Jacqueline Tanguay
Haunted by the death of their father and the disappearance of their mother, four children, three girls and a boy, take refuge in an ideal and delirious world while opposing their social environment. With its lively and daring camerawork, The Orphan Muses goes beyond filmed theater and plunges the viewer into the heart of personal and family identity.
Saint Jude
Georgie's Mother
Teen-aged sisters Jude and Maureen, living with their volatile father in Montréal, live a life of substance abuse, hustling and petty theft. After Jude's father kicks her out of the house for her abusive and thieving ways, Jude is forced to survive on the streets with the assistance of her odd assortment of friends, including middle aged pedophile Clarence, pre-teen male hustler Georgie, pimp Big Al, and Maureen's junkie boyfriend Gabe. Georgie has a crush on Jude, while Jude unrealistically fantasizes about a normal married life with Gabe. All the while, Jude is also trying to elude the sadistic Mink, who she inadvertently crossed
Full Blast
A strike at a sawmill in a small Canadian town puts Steph and Piston out of work. They want to resurrect their band but Marie-Lou, Piston's ex-wife and the band's former lead singer is not enthusiastic about the idea. Meanwhile Steph is having realtionship trouble with Rose, an older woman that he's been seeing and drifts first to Marie-Lou and then to Charles, who once left town but is now back.
The Big Snake of the World
This feature drama tells the story of Tom Paradise, a young 40-something refusing to grow up. Behind the wheel of his bus, he drives endlessly through the city dreaming of the landscape of the American West that forever impressed him. In love with freedom and Jack Kerouac's On the Road, he resists all the sensible people who try to persuade him to settle down. For Tom has only one idea in his head: to once again head south, riding the waves of love and fate.
Memories Unlocked
In this French Canadian drama, the life of a paraplegic painter implodes when an old girlfriend comes back into his life and accuses him of raping her 15 years earlier.
Not Me!
In this Canadian psychological drama a repressed young man struggles with his phobia of sex. It began when he was a sensitive 11-year old awakened in the night by the sound of his parents making love. Not understanding the nature of the groans, he peeks in and is horrified by the sight. Things get worse the next day when he and his mother discover that daddy died in his sleep that night. The boy, confused by it all deduces that it was the sex-act that killed his father and so refuses to mature so he will never have to die. This goes on several years and for some reason his mother doesn't seem to mind. Things seem okay until his mom's new boy friend moves in. The teen and the lover constantly fight. Late at night, the boy begins spying on his mother and the man and in so doing comes to realize that sex is not as deadly as it seemed. Once this light dawns, the boy is able to grow up and become normal.
Bye Bye Love
Two women, a friendship. Two parallel love stories. Marianne has a passionate affair with Nino while the relationship of Lea and David is falling apart. While a couple is forming, another's becoming undone. Yet, the choice of the two friends remains the same: break up with the past and plunge into the unknown.
My Best Pals
Bernadette Legranbois
They are the best friends of the world. Five friends who shared everything: may 68, hippies years, the rock and their love for Bernadette. This Bernadette has left them to become a rock-star, and is back 15 years later for a weekend. Jean-Marie Poire describes with this movie the portrait of a generation with lots of humor served by excelent actors.
Tinamer is 27 years old when her mother dies. The funeral of this last one makes her relive certain events of her childhood which marked her forever.
Закат американской империи
Канадские интеллектуалы средних лет, университетские профессора, готовятся к вечеринке и — разговаривают. Мужчины — до поры — отдельно, женщины отдельно. Потом, объединившись за столом, они продолжают дискуссии — все о том же, о сексе.
Wild Animals
Berg and Bela are married stunt drivers, but one night Bela dies in an accident. Jaded and reclusive, Berg becomes a nighttime security guard where he befriends a young woman, Mimi, who works nights too. Soon a shadowy figure from Bela's past comes into Berg and Mimi's lives. Berg is forced to protect Mimi and seems responsible for a murder, but the man from Bela's past who caused her so much pain won't stop until he sees Berg suffer as much as Bela did.
Larose, Pierrot et la Luce
Cordélia Viau
In a little village at the end of the 1890's, a young woman offends all the 'right-thinking' villagers by allowing men in her house in the absence of her husband. When he is found dead, all of the suspicion is directed towards the liberal woman. She is judged more for her morality then for the crime she is accused of. Her culpability is still a subject of debate today.
A Scream from Silence
La comédienne
A director and an editor, both women, cannot work on a movie presenting the rape of a nurse without reacting on the scenes they're working on, the situation of womanhood in general, and the way the 'Justice' handle those cases of rape.
Angel Life
Two strangers have a fateful one-night stand in Montréal.
The Klutz
Have you ever had "one of those days" when nothing seems to go right? Well, imagine how Claude feels-his entire life has been one screwy day after another. Some people attract attention, others attract the opposite sex, all poor Claude can attract is chaos-and plenty of it! Discouraged by his ill luck, Claude is on his way to see his girlfriend when he suddenly finds himself in the middle of a bank robbery. In the wink of an eye Claude becomes public enemy number one with both cops AND robbers hot on his trail!
Les beaux dimanches
Dominique Primeau
Gigi Gilbert
A family that does not conform to the social norms of a small village must suffer the intolerance of the other villagers when the mentally-challenged son falls in love with the schoolteacher.
Dream Life
Two twenty-something women dream of the ideal man and slowly realize that reality is very different from their fantasies.