Eikichi Uematsu


Youth: The 50th National High School Baseball Tournament
Tokyo Olympiad director Kon Ichikawa documents the 50th anniversary of the Koshien games.
Трагедия «Счастливого дракона»
Director of Photography
2 января 1954 года рыбачья шхуна «Дракон Удачи №5» вышла в очередной рейс. На корабле есть бригадир и менеджер, но команда больше всего доверяет самому опытному человеку на судне, связисту Аикити Кубояма. В надежде добыть богатый улов судно направляется не на юг, как обычно, а на восток. 1 марта 1954 года рыбаки становятся невольными свидетелями испытания водородной бомбы на атолле Бикини.
Record of Bloodshed: Sunagawa
On October 12, 1956, 53 surveyors and 1,300 armed police rushed the gathered union and Zen Gaku Ren (the All Japan Federation of Self-Governing Students Associations) members who then formed a scrum to protect themselves. 278 people from both sides were injured. On the 13th, at the protest’s peak, 5,000 workers and Zen Gaku Ren members had been mobilized when the police attacked the demonstrators’ picket lines. 844 protesters and 80 police were injured. Public opinion erupted against the the violence of the armed police and the government’s lack of a policy, and on the 14th, the radio suddenly announced that the government would stop its survey. Sunagawa overflowed with joy and excitement, and a victory demo was held. On the 15th, a National People’s Rally was held to celebrate the victory of Sunagawa’s fight against the base, and protesters who had sustained grave injuries came from the hospital to address the meeting.
Street of Violence
Director of Photography
An attempt is made to suppress a journalist's investigation of collusion between a rural police chief and the local gangster bosses.