Brigitte Kramer


Нико, обаятельная девушка с иранскими корнями, давно обосновалась в Берлине. Она работает сиделкой пожилых людей, и таких жизнерадостных работниц, как она, надо ещё поискать. Но однажды в жизни Нико случится страшный эпизод, который изменит её безоблачное существование и выпустит на поверхность страх. А эмигрантка из Македонии Ронни окажется странным образом замешана в этих событиях.
Ulrike Ottinger: Nomad from the Lake
Ulrike Ottinger is an exceptional filmmaker and artist. Her cinematic universe has influenced entire generations. As a young woman, she brought the international art world to the sleepy town of Konstanz. It all began on the shores of Lake Constance where Ulrike Ottinger was born and where she still often spends time. Filmmaker Brigitte Kramer chose to begin her film at Lake Constance since she too shares Ottinger’s birthplace and a great love of these waters. This is also where the filmmaker’s own artistic development began, not least as a result of her encounter with Ottinger and her work. Other fellow travellers and friends appearing in this film include art historian Katharina Sykora, collector and curator Ingvild Goetz, film historian Ulrich Gregor, philosopher Bernd Scherer and actor Irm Hermann. Using this common ground as a starting point for an exploration of Ottinger’s substantial oeuvre, this documentary provides a keen insight into the artist’s life and work.
Der Kick
The neo-Nazi brothers Marco and Marcel Schönfeld from Potzlow have their sights set on the 16-year-old Marinus Schöberl, who stutters. They consider Marinus to be a so-called "subhuman".
Freedom2speak v2.0
Documentary film.
My Brother's Wedding
Associate Producer
A man who despises his upwardly mobile lawyer brother reluctantly agrees to be best man at his wedding.
Der Komantsche