In the year 20XX, anarchy reigns over Tokyo after a devastating earthquake destroyed the city. Isolated from the rest of the country, the chaos-ridden city is ruled over by an autocratic governor (Izumiya Shigeru) who has forbidden all forms of entertainment including cinema. Timid movie lover Furuta (Wentz Eiji) and mischievous rocker Nitta (Nakao Akiyoshi), two peddling high school boys lost in the city's wasteland, gather forces and lead a youth rebellion against the governor.
A down-on-his luck writer meets a movie producer, who asks him to write a screenplay on the condition that he visit locations for the film. Chaos ensues.
Adaptation of "The Lady Killer" by Masako Togawa.
В 1940 году на дороге через перевал Амаги было совершено убийство. Вещи и деньги убитого остались нетронутыми, мотив преступления — непонятен. Детектив Мацунодзё Тадзима сумел найти преступника, но и десятилетия спустя он продолжает сомневаться в его виновности.
A trio of high school boys get summer jobs at a seaside resort. Soon, however, they learn that the woman who runs it is in financial trouble. The three decide to help her.
A man working in a fish market is crazy about festivals.
Two born rivals plot a new start after a string of ups and downs.
Comedy around a motorman and a conductor of a streetcar.
A Toho film featuring the comedy duo Konto 55, (コント55号), comprised of comedians Kinichi Hagimoto and Jiro Sakagami.
A Toho film featuring the comedy duo Konto 55, (コント55号), comprised of comedians Kinichi Hagimoto and Jiro Sakagami.
A Toho film featuring the comedy duo Konto 55, (コント55号), comprised of comedians Kinichi Hagimoto and Jiro Sakagami.
Comedy about two employees who work against their boss.