Yollótl Alvarado


White Night
Director of Photography
In 1982, the eruption of the Chichonal volcano, in southern Mexico, buried the Zoque indigenous town of Guayabal. After 38 years, the owners of Nuevo Guayabal rebuild their lives while the volcano and the old village lurk under the brushwood. Trinidad, a poet born on the day of the eruption, has dreams which spark a collective effort in his community to unearth their old home.
White Night
In 1982, the eruption of the Chichonal volcano, in southern Mexico, buried the Zoque indigenous town of Guayabal. After 38 years, the owners of Nuevo Guayabal rebuild their lives while the volcano and the old village lurk under the brushwood. Trinidad, a poet born on the day of the eruption, has dreams which spark a collective effort in his community to unearth their old home.
White Night
In 1982, the eruption of the Chichonal volcano, in southern Mexico, buried the Zoque indigenous town of Guayabal. After 38 years, the owners of Nuevo Guayabal rebuild their lives while the volcano and the old village lurk under the brushwood. Trinidad, a poet born on the day of the eruption, has dreams which spark a collective effort in his community to unearth their old home.
Мы - это плоть
Director of Photography
Брат и сестра оказываются в плену сумасшедшего садиста. Он их силой втягивает в тошнотворную карусель из секса и разврата: инцест, некрофилия, каннибализм и насилие. Затейливый фильм, искажённая версия Бытия смешанного с Эволюцией, намёками, пародиями и довольно зло и антихристиански, плюс уничтожение евреев нацистами не забыли, что очень странно для Мексики, концовка не обычная, правда она ставит под сомнение всё предыдущее, плюс всё смешано в кучу, чисто по-мексикански, и реальное и нереальное. Не шедевр конечно, но явный эпатаж чисто по-мексикански. В 2016 году стал фильмом-открытием испанского фестиваля фантастических фильмов в г. Сиджес.
In the midst of a strike, people find their liberty limited by the walls of their homes. In these micro-worlds there are no rules nor conventions and home becomes a white canvas where anyone can rethink life and its nonsense.
Two friends doggedly build a mysterious artefact in the forest, the function of which remains unclear until the very end. INSIDE starts with a shot of a burnt tree stump in a forest. Materials are gathered. What are the various branches, stones and pieces of grass for and what will the silent activities lead to? INSIDE slowly uncovers an act of human solidarity. The camera hovers around two boys, ramping up the tension, and is supported by an excellent soundtrack.