Executive Producer
Originally broadcast on CBS in 2001, this affectionate retrospective reunites the peerless cast of Burnett's variety show--Burnett, Vicki Lawrence, Tim Conway, and Harvey Korman--to answer audience questions and reminisce. The cast recalls the many times they lost composure on camera, halting sketches due to all varieties of faux pas, from faulty props (or urinating horses) to mutual crack-ups.
Executive Producer
На глазах у 12-летного Джеймса умирает мать. Его отец, женившись на другой, практически забывает о сыне. Жизнь одинокого, убитого горем мальчика становится настоящей мукой… Пока однажды он не встречается со странной старой женщиной, живущей на маяке.
A trio of teenagers is taken hostage by an ex-con and are forced to examine their relationships.
A trio of teenagers is taken hostage by an ex-con and are forced to examine their relationships.