Dialogue Editor
Chilo and Omar seem to be the only two men on earth. They live on a solitary beach and their constant activity is fishing to survive. Their friendship, surrounded by sensuality, becomes a kind of a love story. Through their conversations and their relationship, the film explores and portraits human condition.
Dialogue Editor
Nicolás, a photographer, has suffered epilepsy since childhood and he is forced to take care of himself and sacrifice a lot, though he lives a normal life. On the other hand, Isabel is a woman who, apparently, has her whole life figured out although her mother is ill and she has no choice but to try to save her. Isabel and Nicolás fall in love in spite of themselves, their demons, their ghosts, and their weaknesses. Suddenly engaged in a relationship none of them would have even dared to imagine, they experience the love, passion, insecurity, fear, and allergy to commitment typical in people who are drifting away.
Dialogue Editor
Брат и сестра оказываются в плену сумасшедшего садиста. Он их силой втягивает в тошнотворную карусель из секса и разврата: инцест, некрофилия, каннибализм и насилие. Затейливый фильм, искажённая версия Бытия смешанного с Эволюцией, намёками, пародиями и довольно зло и антихристиански, плюс уничтожение евреев нацистами не забыли, что очень странно для Мексики, концовка не обычная, правда она ставит под сомнение всё предыдущее, плюс всё смешано в кучу, чисто по-мексикански, и реальное и нереальное. Не шедевр конечно, но явный эпатаж чисто по-мексикански. В 2016 году стал фильмом-открытием испанского фестиваля фантастических фильмов в г. Сиджес.
Sound Mixer
A biting satire from the front lines of the American workplace, where layoffs are so routine they've created their own industry - outplacement. Elite Transition Services promises laid-off worker Scott Matter help finding a job and getting back on his feet. But as the job search grows increasingly desperate, Scott finds himself caught in a corporate purgatory where the absurdities of office life are brought into vivid relief.