Nicole Sterling

Nicole Sterling


Nicole Sterling


Halloween Pussy Trap Kill! Kill!
Natalia Midnight
On Halloween, an all girl rock-n-roll band called “Kill Pussy Kill” ventures out to play their biggest show to date. However, before hitting the road they manage to unwittingly upset a man. Unfortunately, this man turns out to be an evil genius dead set on revenge. The evil genius manages to lure the girls into his Hell House and when they wake up from being gassed, they find themselves trapped inside an inescapable room filled with a vicious variety of devices that can kill them as well as a variety of weapons that can be used on each other. The rules are simple: advance through all three rooms and you are allowed to go free. The catch is, in order to make it to the next room, someone must die!
Злая няня
Молодая пара нанимает няню для своих детей. Поначалу дети ладят с милой девушкой, но после произошедшего инцидента родители решают уволить её. Однако няня уже решила превратить жизнь семьи в кошмар, и так просто избавиться от неё не получится.
A good mother would never hurt her children, at least not intentionally.