Jacques Avoine


Jonas and Lisa
Camera Operator
A group of young, working children are terrorized and robbed by their stepfather.
The Woman With Three Husbands
Camera Department Production Assistant
This is a fable about a woman’s right to choose her husband: it tells the story of a princess, who has several suitors. She puts them to the test, and finally chooses the one who has demonstrated the finest moral qualities.
Черная муха
Camera Operator
Канадский музыкальный мультфильм, повествующий забавную историю о новом смотрителе леса и его непримиримых врагах. Мужчина приехал издалека, полон энтузиазма и приступает к выполнению своих обязанностей, но на пути у лесничего встает целая армада злобных насекомых — мух. Лесная мошкара не собирается терпеть нового смотрителя и устраивает на его пути всевозможные преграды, лишь бы он бежал подальше от их дома. Надоедливые летучие гады устраивают невыносимую жизнь своему врагу и появляются отовсюду. Самый страшный кошмар становится реальностью. «Черная муха» — фильм-номинант на «Оскар».
Creative Process: Norman McLaren
Norman McLaren was a cinematic genius who made films without cameras, and music without instruments. He produced sixty films in a stunning range of styles and techniques, collecting over 200 international awards, and world recognition. In Creative Process, director Donald McWilliams demystifies the process of artistic creation. Drawing on McLaren's private film vaults, a gold mine of experimental footage and uncompleted films, McWilliams explores McLaren's methods, including his celebrated "pixillation" technique, and his daring forays into animated surrealism.
A Nice Day in the Country
Camera Operator
An amorous couple prepares for a picnic in the country. But the man's rage at a stuck doorknob leads to tragedy for both of them.
Dreams of a Land
Camera Operator
The story of Samuel de Champlain's futile search for a passage to China in North America and his later founding of Quebec.
Blackberry Subway Jam
Camera Operator
This short animation based on a popular children's story by Robert Munsch tells the story of a young boy with a major problem: his apartment has become a subway station but his mother doesn't believe him and blames him for the commuters' mess.
This short animated film presents an allegorical portrait of a society where men have lost their autonomy in the struggle to be recognized by the very society that restricts their freedom.
Un homme de Parole
Camera Operator