Trey Ore


My Name Is Paul
Caught between The Way and the World. Paul blinded by hate and intent on destruction is determined to find and kill Peter, the enemy of his Leader. However, a terrible accident and a miraculous discovery take him off course and on a road of self-discovery where he learns to live and love the Way.
My Name Is Paul
Caught between The Way and the World. Paul blinded by hate and intent on destruction is determined to find and kill Peter, the enemy of his Leader. However, a terrible accident and a miraculous discovery take him off course and on a road of self-discovery where he learns to live and love the Way.
Бойцовский клуб
Fight Club Patron / Guy #2 in Video Store (uncredited)
Терзаемый хронической бессонницей и отчаянно пытающийся вырваться из мучительно скучной жизни клерк встречает некоего Тайлера Дардена, харизматического торговца мылом с извращённой философией. Тайлер уверен, что самосовершенствование — удел слабых, а саморазрушение — единственное, ради чего стоит жить.