Chad Randau

Chad Randau


Chad Randau


LEGO Hero Factory: Invasion From Below
Dunkan Bulk (voice)
The heroes of the Hero Factory must defend Antropolis City against mean intruders!
LEGO Hero Factory: Invasion From Below
William Furno (voice)
The heroes of the Hero Factory must defend Antropolis City against mean intruders!
Бойцовский клуб
Waiter (uncredited)
Терзаемый хронической бессонницей и отчаянно пытающийся вырваться из мучительно скучной жизни клерк встречает некоего Тайлера Дардена, харизматического торговца мылом с извращённой философией. Тайлер уверен, что самосовершенствование — удел слабых, а саморазрушение — единственное, ради чего стоит жить.
The Nostril Picker
News Room Tech
Joe is an ugly loser, incapable of picking up women. But when he’s taught a magical power, capable of transforming him into anyone he pleases and then back to his normal self, he decides to use it to live out his perverse fantasies. Initially content just watching them shower, Joe soon tires of mindless nudity and gears up to take his ultimate revenge against womankind: luring them to his shabby apartment, violently killing, and even eating them!