Paul B. Price


Side by Each
Salty wants to launch his live-in boat and sail off, until crooks buy the boatyard, requiring him to move away. He soon meets and falls for a woman not knowing she is one of three triplet sisters, setting off comic consequences along the waterfront.
Буч и Сандэнс: Ранние дни
Захватывающая история о юношеских годах двух бандитов Буча Кэссиди и Сандэнса Кида, полных захватывающих приключений, и лихорадочных попытках двух друзей стать знаменитыми и легендарными.
The Ritz
Claude Perkins
On his deathbed Carmine Vespucci's father tells him to "get Proclo". With "the hit" on, Gaetano tells a cab driver to take him where Carmine can't find him. He arrives at the Ritz, a gay bathhouse.
Nameless Man (uncredited)
Эта напряженная и неоднозначная драма навсегда изменит ваше отношение к современной медицине. Жизнь доктора Бока рушится: его бросила жена, дети с ним не разговаривают, и даже в любимой им больнице, где он работает, что-то не так... Балансируя на грани нервного срыва, Бок увлекается очаровательной дочерью одного из пациентов, которая не только вернет его к жизни, но и изменит его жизнь.
1501 1/2
Satirizes several facets of modern urban life by following a young art director through his morning routine. His living quarters consist only of a bathroom because the architect forgot to build an apartment around it.
1501 1/2
Satirizes several facets of modern urban life by following a young art director through his morning routine. His living quarters consist only of a bathroom because the architect forgot to build an apartment around it.
1501 1/2
Satirizes several facets of modern urban life by following a young art director through his morning routine. His living quarters consist only of a bathroom because the architect forgot to build an apartment around it.