Frankie Fox


Cinderella: After Ever After
Cinderella weds her Prince Charming, only to find married life isn't all it's cracked up to be.
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Colin Hand
Шестнадцатилетний школьник Джавед из семьи пакистанских эмигрантов живет в глубинке Англии конца 1980-х. Его жизнь кроткого и замкнутого подростка переворачивается благодаря влиянию музыки Брюса Спрингстина. Вдохновившись ей, Джавед решается сделать то, на что раньше считал себя неспособным.
Grandpa's Great Escape
Many years ago, Grandpa was a World War II flying ace, but sadly he is now suffering from Alzheimer's disease. When his family can no longer look after him, he is moved to Twilight Towers, an old people's home. It soon becomes clear that Miss Dandy is running Twilight Towers for her own ulterior motives, and it is up to Grandpa and grandson Jack to make a daring escape. Failure could have the direst of consequences, but success will give Grandpa a final chance to relive his past and take to the sky once again in his beloved Spitfire.
Miranda's Letter
Miranda's Letter takes as a starting point the 'missing women' in Shakespeare, in this instance, The Tempest, and imagines what Miranda's mother would have wanted to say to her daughter. Commissioned as part of Shakespeare Lives 2016.