Kosta Krivokapić


Сокровище ацтеков
Production Design
Немецкий ученый Карл Стернау по поручению президента Авраама Линкольна едет в Мексику, чтобы поддержать Бенито Хуареса в борьбе против французских оккупантов. Он оказывается вовлечен в поиски легендарных сокровищ ацтеков, за которыми охотятся банда головорезов капитана Вердохи и хитроумный граф де Родриганда.
The White Warrior
Production Design
The story of Hadji Murad, a 19th-century Chechen chieftain who led his warriors in a fight against the invading forces of the Russian Czar.
Art Direction
Shots in the Sky
Production Design
Upon returning home at war's end, a young lieutenant discovers that his family has been murdered by the Nazis. It's all the handiwork of a treasonous "Chetnik," who during the war worked against the partisans on behalf of the Germans. In bitter retaliation, the lieutenant sets about to decimate the Chetnik's family. He stops short, however, when he realizes that the sins of the fathers are not always passed down to the innocent children.
The Last Bridge
Production Design
A German nurse gets sent to the front because she gives medical aid to a wounded Yugoslav partisan during World War II.