Elisabeth Leeb


Death comes to Venice
Prof. Gymnasium
Under mysterious circumstances, the restorer Lukas Albrecht drowns in the Canale dei Marani in Venice. While the easy-going Commissario Santo sees no criminal offense, the victim's widow resents the details. Anna, who is traveling from Vienna with her eleven-year-old son, doesn't believe it was an accident: her husband didn't have any alcohol in his blood, he knew the lagoon and could swim
Чужой: Завет
Lighting Director
Выжившие члены команды «Прометея» Элизабет и андроид Дэвид сделали первый шаг навстречу разгадке тайны инженеров. Теперь пришло время узнать остальную правду, которая укрыта на родной планете белесых великанов — Рай.