Billy McElhaney


Кислотный дом
Felix, the Paramedic
Как быть, если Господь, оказавшийся, кстати, неприятным сквернословящим стариком, превратит вас в навозную муху, а родной папаша — извращенец прихлопнет вас газетой? Или если омерзительный сосед сверху, пробив огромную дыру в вашем потолке, нахально станет спать с вашей, и без того уже не святой, женой? А может вам придётся по вкусу окутанное галлюциногенным угаром переселение вашей порочной души в тело невинного грудняка? Добро пожаловать!
Зимний гость
Bus Driver
В небольшом шотландском городке, где каждый на виду, даже незначительные события приобретают вес. Все выверено и закончено по форме. Здесь нет суеты и блестящей мишуры, присущих мегаполисам. Но местные жители ничего не теряют от этого. Фрэнсис прошла часть пути, но испытывает смятение от неопределенности своего места в жизни. Ее сын Алекс познает первую любовь. Приятели-подростки Том и Сэм прогуливают школу, для них все интересное — на улице. Может, такой и должна быть жизнь? Может, это и есть жизнь?
Ruffian Hearts
An off-beat romantic comedy about the complex relationships between the inhabitants of a Glasgow tenement block. The final film in the Love Bites trilogy.
The Wreck on the Highway
In Edinburgh washed up country-and-western singer John McGuire is broke and his family is emigrating. He and grandson Billy share the same dreams. They run away together in search of John's wealthy American ex-co-star Betsy Hall.
Silent Scream
A biopic about convicted murderer Larry Winters.
Dream Baby
Annie Kirk's life is in chaos. She is broke, unemployed, can't pay her poll tax and has two boyfriends she wants to be shot of. She is determined to break out, but how can she get the cash? Annie dreams up an ingenious plan - having a baby. The plan has alarming consequences.
Biting the Hands
Linda and Gail are Hell's Belles - an alternative comedy double act. When success begins to beckon, they must decide whether to change their act or keep doing what they believe in. Are their principles justified - or are they just 'biting the hands' that feed them?
Shadow on the Earth
Eddie Brogan
On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin is hurtling through space. Down below, 7-year-old Billy Wilson keeps watching the skies, itching for an encounter with an alien being. When he discovers a mysterious stranger in a house nearby, events take a sinister turn. -GusF
Shoot for the Sun
Fergie (the driver)
Set in the bleak backdrop of Edinburgh a low level drug dealer strives for making a living and surviving the natural elements of such an environment day to day.
Blood Red Roses
Mr Ritchie
A woman looks back on her life as a political activist in Scotland from the 1950s to the 1970s.
Heavenly Pursuits
Reporter 2
Vic Mathews teaches a remedial class at the Blessed Edith Semple School in Scotland. Some at the school are trying to discover the two more miracles that would promote the late Edith Semple to sainthood; Mathews, a non-believer, wishes the school would concentrate on teaching the children. He becomes confused, however, when he is involved in possibly miraculous events himself! Written by George S. Davis
Comfort and Joy
Radio host Alan 'Dickie' Bird witnesses how an icecream van is attacked and destroyed by angry competitors. This leads him into the struggle between two Italian families over the icecream market of Glasgow.