Nicola Cattani


Мой тигр
Camera Operator
В предгорьях Гималаев мальчик-сирота спасает бенгальского тигренка от безжалостных браконьеров. Вместе они отправляются в монастырь высоко в горах, известный как «Гнездо тигра», где буддийские монахи защищают диких животных. Их ждет захватывающее путешествие, полное открытий и опасностей, и лишь зарождающаяся дружба поможет все преодолеть...
Love is a Dog
Director of Photography
A series of unforeseen accidents collide with a seemingly happy young couple and their dog, revealing devastating lies, betrayals and their true selves.
A wild boar broke into the Gaolaozhuang village, caused all kinds of trouble.
Il prigioniero
Director of Photography
Paolo and Maria are two ordinary newlyweds who live just outside their town. One morning Paolo goes out to buy some fish and doesn't come home. Down in the main square, a woman has had a valuable necklace snatched by a teenager on a lark. When the thief gets away, Paolo, whose path has crossed that of the woman and the townspeople, is accused by the victim of pulling off the heist. He tries to run away but is picked up by a cop and taken to a basement, where the policeman orders him not to move and await his return.
FUNNE: Sea Dreaming Girls
Director of Photography
Sea Dreaming Girls is a gorgeous, joyous and funny documentary about discovering new things and living carefree at any age, as it follows a lively group of nonnas who have never seen the sea. In the tiny Italian mountain village of Daone, a group of grandmothers led by the straight-talking Erminia begin planning a trip in honour of their Rododendro club’s 20th anniversary. They quickly agree on a trip to the sea, where many of their members have never ventured. But how will they raise enough money so that everyone can wiggle their toes in the surf? They sell pies and sweets and even boldly pose for a calendar but when this doesn’t get them the money they need, they have one last idea and it is this one that sends them viral, making them famous across Italy.