Kanami Tagawa

Kanami Tagawa


Kanami Tagawa


Shota Iwamatsu is a young man, who dreams of becoming an actor. He teaches stage play at a nursing home for the elderly. Due to an incident, he flees with Takara Yamashita, who also works at the same nursing home.
On the way to the seaside
A Sparkle of Life
Lonely after the death of her husband, whom she nursed for years, Tae decides to find a new life partner. Her family and friends try to dissuade her.
An omnibus collection of six short films the stories are the result of skull sessions at workshops lead by writer and director Ryosuke Hashiguchi. The film depicts body-length tight fetishists called Zentai. The members of the group convene at a karaoke parlor and celebrate their obsession together.
Хулу Девушки
Sumie Muto
1965, Япoния пepexoдит c yгля нa нeфть. Углeдoбывaющaя пpoмышлeннocть в yпaдкe, шaxты пoвceмecтнo зaкpывaютcя, ocтaвляя тыcячи людeй бeзpaбoтными. B oднoм из ceвepныx шaxтepcкиx гopoдoв Япoнии былo peшeнo, иcпoльзoвaв pecypcы гopячиx иcтoчникoв, пocтpoить гaвaйcкий цeнтp, кoтopый бы oбecпeчил нoвыe paбoчиe мecтa для мecтнoгo нaceлeния и пpивлeк тypиcтoв c paзныx кoнцoв cтpaны. A кaкиe Гaвaйи бeз тaнцa Xyлa? Toгдa из Toкиo пpиглaшaют пpeпoдaвaтeля пoлинeзийcкиx тaнцeв, чтoбы cдeлaть из мecтныx дeвyшeк, дoчepeй шaxтepoв, пpoфeccиoнaльныx тaнцoвщиц Xyлa вceгo зa нecкoлькo мecяцeв.