Terje Syversen


Pastor Kent
Умница, красавица, гордость семьи и церкви, Мирьям, всегда и во всём была первой, но лишь одно неудачное выступление на очередных соревнованиях по танцам приводит её семью к выводу, что проблема кроется в недостатке веры. Это заставляет девушку искать радикальные пути решения проблемы.
The Tree Feller
Anders moves from the city to a quiet small farm that belonged to his deceased parents and spends his days out in the forest, aimlessly chopping down trees. His only desire is to be out in nature, and to lose himself in the physical work. His attempt to escape is soon interrupted by the constant involvement of his pushy relatives who want to tell him what to do and how to do it. Soon it becomes clear that Anders has just traded in one claustrophobic existence for another.