Sophia Lamar

Sophia Lamar

Рождение : 1955-06-06, La Habana, Cuba


Sophia Lamar


You Can't Stay Here
Rick, a photographer, witnesses the brutal murder of a gay man in Central Park. With the cops taking little interest in the crime, a dangerous and sexy game of cat and mouse ensues between Rick and the killer, Adam.
The Crusaders
After lending a hand to a neighborhood club owner, a bartender is inadvertently swept into the aftermath of a heist which plunges him into Manhattan's crime world. If he fails, he risks not only himself but, crucially, the love of his life.
I Hate New York
New York, post 9/11: Armed with a home video camera and no script, the director delves into the private lives of four women artists and transgender activists from the city’s underground subculture, filming their lives over a period of 10 years. Little by little, their testimonies reveal fragments of their pasts, their experiences and their struggles for an identity of their own. A series of revelations transform the viewer from feeling like an intruder to being invested in their destinies.
The Zanctuary
Olvido Buenaventura
The Zanctuary is a decadent bar in Lower Manhattan owned by a former prostitute, Dora Ramona del Pilar. An undercover police detective follows an investigation on human trafficking discovering what's hidden under the bar: rooms filled with Dora's terrible sins and her attempts at redemption.
Аладдин Адама Грина
Началась эта история тогда, когда житья в Быдлограде совсем не стало: население погрязло в долгах и погоне за обогащением, а спецслужбы круглосуточно занимались слежкой за людьми в интернете. Заправлял всем этим со своего золотого трона Султан, бессменный правитель, внук самого Бога, если верить тому же интернету. И, как и полагается, в городе жил один добродушный меланхоличный парень Аладдин, которому, как гром среди ясного неба, свалился на голову странноватый дядюшка, будто знающий нечто об устройстве этого мира...
Candy Apple
A Dark Comedy about a father and son consumed by New York's undercurrents of vice and desperation.
Violet Tendencies
A woman tries to distance herself from her gay friends in an effort to land a straight boyfriend.
Motherfucker: A Movie
Documentary about the black gay scene in New York
A man finds himself homeless after a fight with his significant other.
Shampoo Horns
Sensationalistic group portrait of New York City ‘’club kids,’’ makes you long for those good old days when Andy Warhol’s self-appointed superstars brought a certain humor and bohemian sense of style to his semi-improvised films.