Eric Ferranti


Death on the Streets
Like the majority of modern-day farm men in the US, Kurt is out of work, unable to provide for his family. Smothered by a sense of void and hopelessness, he takes to the road, in a quest for his lost self-esteem. An existential journey of disenchantment that cuts right through the soul of the American inland, juxtaposing the shiny promises of the past with the harsh reality of a bleached-out Dream.
Diving Into Life
Susanne's husband left her six months ago; she doesn’t go out, she doesn’t visit her friends, she lies about having been left. Her only outlets are her work and her beloved synchronized swimming, until a young single mother and her daughter move into her building and turn her life upside down.
Берлинский фейсконтрольщик
Director of Photography
Свен Марквардт, Смайли Болдуин и Фрэнк Кюнстер стояли у истоков ночной жизни Берлина в 80-е, прославились в Berghain, Delicious Donuts и King Size в конце 90-х и каким-то чудом не растратили запал, чтобы и сегодня охранять подступы к самым знаменитым клубам города.
Die Geschichte vom Astronauten
Director of Photography
The writer Charlotte (Stephanie Petrowitz) has gone to a Spanish island to work there in the villa of the elderly lady Renate (Ruth Diehl) on her new novel. The story she develops is about a woman who is married to an astronaut and waits many years for him to return from a mission in space. During her stay, Charlotte gets insights into the fates of some of her fellow human beings. Renate was once abandoned by her husband and has begun a relationship with the much younger Sal (Hubertus Hiess), although she still hopes to see her husband again some day. Renate's neighbor Robert (Godehard Giese), who uses his house on the island as a holiday home, has arrived with his little daughter Lene (Svana Burger) and his girlfriend Karolin (Ursula Renecke); Lene's mother died some time ago. Encountering these people and exploring the area inspires Charlotte's imagination, but also evokes painful memories.