Barnaby Metschurat

Barnaby Metschurat

Рождение : 1974-09-22, Berlin, Germany


Barnaby Metschurat


Nicht tot zu kriegen
Jonas Mankus
Dengler - Brennende Kälte
Tage des letzten Schnees
Lars Eckert
A chief commissioner investigates the murder of a young woman and a fatal car accident. Apparently there is a connection between the two cases.
Рэйчел бегло говорит на нескольких языках. Идеальная квалификация для агента израильской службы внешней разведки Моссад, которая ее завербовала. Офицер связи Томас высоко ценит ее. Оперативное командование в Израиле также доверяет ей, и поэтому Рэйчел отправляется в Тегеран с секретной миссией. Очарованная этой чужой страной, она тщательно вписывается в повседневную жизнь и заводит роман с бизнесменом Фархадом, человеком, за которым ей поручили шпионить. Но ее миссия становится все более и более требовательной и опасной, пока она наконец не решает бросить задание. Она оставляет загадочное сообщение для Томаса, который должен найти ее, прежде чем она станет угрозой для Израиля.
What Might Have Been
Astrid is in her late forties and has her life firmly under control. She has fallen in love with Paul, and their first weekend trip together takes them to Budapest for a few romantic days, just the two of them. But in the Hungarian capital things happen differently than they'd planned: They run into Julius, Astrid's first great love, whom she'd met at an artists' party in East Germany in 1986.
Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - Baby an Bord
Frankfurt, Dezember 17
A brutal attack on the homeless Lennard in downtown Frankfurt links the fate of three women: Irina, a 28-year-old nurse, has witnessed the violence. The young Sam lives on the street. She was protected by Lennard after she was beaten up in search of food. The single mother Anne is from the clouds when her 18-year-old son Rio is led away by the police. He is accused of involvement in the violence against Lennard. This is hard to understand for Anne; she struggles to get her son to talk.
Mata Hari – Tanz mit dem Tod
In 1916, the officer of the German secret service Elsbeth Schragmüller trains the end-of-career exotic dancer Mata Hari as secret agent. Schragmüller has finally an ear directly in the influential circles of Paris, while Mata Hari can uphold her mundane life despite lack of engagements. Both have great hope for this intelligence mission.
Hey Bunny
A misanthropist ex-hacker is suspected of sabotaging a famous happiness-research facility. He is forced to prove his innocence and stumbles into a wild adventure, during which he involuntarily becomes an idealistic activist, has to deal with strange, possibly supernatural rabbits and his crazy family - and regains a little belief in happiness.
Hey Bunny
A misanthropist ex-hacker is suspected of sabotaging a famous happiness-research facility. He is forced to prove his innocence and stumbles into a wild adventure, during which he involuntarily becomes an idealistic activist, has to deal with strange, possibly supernatural rabbits and his crazy family - and regains a little belief in happiness.
Hey Bunny
A misanthropist ex-hacker is suspected of sabotaging a famous happiness-research facility. He is forced to prove his innocence and stumbles into a wild adventure, during which he involuntarily becomes an idealistic activist, has to deal with strange, possibly supernatural rabbits and his crazy family - and regains a little belief in happiness.
Hey Bunny
A misanthropist ex-hacker is suspected of sabotaging a famous happiness-research facility. He is forced to prove his innocence and stumbles into a wild adventure, during which he involuntarily becomes an idealistic activist, has to deal with strange, possibly supernatural rabbits and his crazy family - and regains a little belief in happiness.
How Men Talk About Women
Tine wants to find her dream boyfriend, but can't find him that easily. Her male best friend enjoys his single life, until they feel attracted to each other.
1864: Brødre i krig
Den Røde Prins
When Prussia and Austria declare war on Denmark, two brothers are called to serve in the bloodiest battle in Denmark's history.
Сила воли
Dr. Joseph Goebbels
История о звезде легкой атлетики — Джесси Оуэнсе, и о том, через что ему пришлось пройти, чтобы выиграть четыре золотые медали на Олимпийских играх в Берлине в 1936-м году.
Albert & Hermann Goering
Albert Göring
Two brothers who could not have been more different. The eldest, Hermann Göring (1893-1946), was a prominent member of the Nazi regime, head of the German Air Force, and a war criminal. The youngest, Albert Göring (1895-1966), opposed tyranny and was persecuted, but today he is still unjustly forgotten, although he saved many lives while his brother and his accomplices ravaged Europe.
Zorn - Wo kein Licht
Jan Czernyk
Family Party
On the 70th birthday of famous piano virtuoso Hannes Westhoff, a celebration is to take place at the patriarch's estate. For this occasion, his second wife Anne not only invited Westhoff's three sons Max, Fredrik and Gregor, but also their mother, Westhoff's ex-wife Renate. While Anne tries to maintain a friendly atmosphere, old conflicts resurface among the family. With tensions already high, things take a turn for the dramatic when son Max reveals shocking news.
Tiefe Wunden
Thomas Ritter
Weihnachten für Einsteiger
The trickster Katharina is in a bind. After relieving a heavy Russian about a suitcase of money, her stooge is on his tail. Forced her immersed in a sleepy town in the Eifel. Having lost the suitcase while fleeing, Katharina urgently needs to raise new loot before she meets her partner Rocko again. In the sympathetic Matthias, she senses a slight sacrifice - but unfortunately his small bed manufactory is on the brink of ruin.
Убийство у Хелленгрунд
Peter Asam
Сабина была преуспевающим художником. Ее картины пользовались успехом у ценителей живописи и раскупались хорошо. У нее взрослый сын и мать довольна им, ведь он не огорчает ее, стараясь поддерживать и помогать. Молодой человек влюблен в красавицу, они счастливы вместе и строят планы насчет светлого будущего. Кажется все отлично, особых проблем не возникает, но случается беда. Парень таинственным образом исчезает, оставив близких в полном недоумении. Неизвестно жив он или нет. Вскоре невеста пропавшего умирает при загадочных обстоятельствах. Сабина решает сама расследовать эти трагедии и она готова найти виновника случившегося. Это запутанное дело переносит ее на много лет тому назад, открывая страшные тайны прошлого...
Immer wieder anders
One could almost believe, two fresh lovers would kiss here tenderly. In fact, Jan and Katja come straight from the divorce judge who finished what had started promisingly - a harmonious, fulfilled marriage and family life. The common house building was too much for their relationship. While a dream came true for Katja, the building was a pure torture for Jan. He escaped more and more and started an affair. When Katja comes after the infidelity, there is only one consequence for her: Divorce.
Fliegende Fische müssen ins Meer
A single mother of three children lives a chaotic and not very wealthy life in which her oldest daughter tries to manage everything and wants to find a decent guy for her mum.
Colors in the Dark
Anita and Fred have been a couple for 50 years, and happily married for nearly as long. They have two grown children, and their grandchildren are finishing school. Both can look back at a fulfilling past, but their lives are still rich and vibrant. The fact that Fred is terribly ill has been hidden from the family. For the first time in all these years, Fred takes some liberties, which his wife interprets as an affront. Never before has she felt so abandoned. Although she starts to question her relationship, a love like theirs cannot end so easily. Indeed it should never end.
2030 - Aufstand der Jungen
Tim Burdenski
Familiengeheimnisse - Liebe, Schuld und Tod
Four stories dealing with the dialectics of enlightenment, with the randomness of love, birth and death. Aleks participates in an experiment facing civil war in former Yugoslavia. Sarah tries to escape loneliness by investigating a murder. Bastian has to deal with his father's decision to die. Anna dances with a foreign man. How destructive is the unlimited search for insight? Should one lie in order to protect a loved one, who'll be destroyed by truth?
Jakob Lenz
Мартин — молодой джазовый музыкант, идеалист с трудным характером, не привыкший идти на компромисс. Узнав, что Кристина — любовь всей его жизни — любит только его музыкальный талант, он решает порвать с прошлым, и в результате оказывается на улице. Среди бездомных он часто видит немолодую женщину, которая кажется ему неординарной личностью. Женщина умирает, и в руки Мартина попадают ее дневник и стихи. Смогут ли они привести Мартина назад: к Кристине, его музыке и самому себе?
Dicke Liebe
Arno Petroff
A bride's biggest fears regarding her wedding materialize in a bizarre nightmare.
Die Hochzeit meines Vaters
Fair Trade
The shortest distance and at the same time the most obvious gap between the so-called Third World Countries and Europe is the Straits of Gibraltar. "Fair Trade" is one of the many stories that happen there every day.
Charlie 2
Charlie Bender
Felix Bender (Nikita Wokurka) is an eleven-year-old orphan who lives with unloving foster parents. For five years he’s been waiting for his older brother to pick him up, but his hopes fade away with each year’s passing. On his eleventh birthday Felix gets a laptop from the only person who cares about him, his neighbor Rasmus. The man hopes that Felix would be able to get in contact with his brother through the internet, but during the first connection a little accident happens: a mouse runs over the keyboard and accidentally makes the laptop download a program that awakens the old car and gives that car a soul. Soon the boy and his car are being hunted by the owners of the program, who want to get it back and destroy the car.
David Paschke
С момента событий, описанных в фильме «Испанка» прошло пять лет. Ксавье уже 30. После возвращения из Барселоны мы снова застаем его в дороге: между Парижем, Лондоном и Санкт-Петербургом он проходит через бесчисленные любовные приключения в поисках своего женского идеала.
Fabian Becker
Sugar Orange
Lukas is Sugar, Clemens is Orange. Together, they are two ten-year-old boys who are inseparable. More than just playmates, they share a unique bond which seems predestined to last a lifetime. Until, that is, powerful emotions come to the fore and a misunderstanding leads to a rift which tears both them and their world apart. Twenty years later, Lukas is still terrified of being abandoned. He survives by forming loose relationships which don't threaten him. Then one day he meets Lena who turns his feelings upside down and awakens his inner child, the one still searching for unconditional friendship. While there is never a guarantee of security, there is a bond of trust, and through Lena, Lukas again makes contact with Clemens. After years of silence, they are finally able to exorcise their ghosts in an explosion of emotion.
Анатомия 2
Jo Hauser
Что может быть гуманнее профессии врача, спасающего жизни? Молодой доктор Джо, поступая на работу в одну из лучших больниц Германии, был уверен, что благороднее ничего и придумать нельзя. Да еще ему крупно повезло: он попал под крыло настоящего светила медицинской науки, прославленного профессора Мюллера-Ларусса! Герой непоколебимо уверен, что его карьера обеспечена, а жизнь удалась — и напрасно. Цепочка странных событий заставляет Джо внимательней присмотреться к своим старшим коллегам. И однажды ему открывается чудовищная правда: в больнице подпольно орудуют члены древней секты врачей-убийц, в чьи кровавые тайны он так неосмотрительно проник и навлек на себя смертельную опасность…
My Parents
Marie has a problem. She has met the man of her dreams. But he desperately wants to get to know her parents, which wouldn't be so bad had Marie not told him her parents were still madly in love, cool, tolerant, and the contrary to petty bourgeois. But Marie's parents are anything but that. Lydia and Erhard, both in their early fifties, have been a couple for more than 25 years. Their marriage seems fizzled out, daily routine has long caught up with them. For some time now, they've been sleeping in separate rooms. Everything is tidy, philistinism reigns supreme. In panic, Marie goes to see her parents to prepare them for their visitor...
Echte Männer?
Peter Krieger
The movie portrays the story of an Italian family emigrated in Germany in the 1970s. Romano (Gigi Savoia), the father, decides to open a pizzeria which, by mutual decision with the wife Rosa (Antonella Attili), will call Solino, leaving his sons Gigi and Giancarlo to work there. A hostile relationship comes to life between the father and his sons, which will end up in the escape of the boys from family.
Заскучав в родном Париже, молодой Ксавье отправляется в удивительную и непредсказуемую Барселону, куда съезжаются студенты со всей Европы. Поселившись в маленькой квартирке вместе с шумным итальянцем, деловой англичанкой, дотошным немцем, жгучей испанкой и неутомимым датчанином, он намерен учиться и только учиться. Однако вскоре он понимает, что в такой веселой компании его непременно ждут неожиданные и забавные приключения, а может быть, даже головокружительная любовь!
A dramatic teenage love story set against the backdrop of the Berlin Love Parade.
Dead Island: School's Out 2
Nina and friends are stalked by a masked killer while vacationing on an island.
Chill Out
The film tells the story of an unusual love triangle between Johan, Max, and Anna. The action takes place in Berlin after the unification of its eastern and western parts, against the background of its reconstruction and rebuilding.
The true story of Otomo, a black man seeking work and asylum in the German city of Stuttgart. However, all he finds is racism, police trouble and his final destiny.
Das vergessene Leben
A drama directed by Claudia Prietzel
Angel Express
Angel Express is a film about people restlessly seeking for the ultimate experience. Set in late nineties Berlin, it shows images of radical change: Young urban heroes in the glare of flashlights; an environment in which coldness and affection or lust for power and friendship go hand in hand.